Lyn loves pussy

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Lyn was pretending to be stacking 'American Beauty/American Psycho' by Fall Out Boy in the Pop Punk section. But actually, she was more concentrated in staring at Charlotte. She had red hair, but it looked natural. You couldn't tell wether it was dyed or not. She didn't have any freckles, so it was harder to read. She wore a striped black and white tank top, and acid wash shorts with Converse-like shoes. Damn, she had nice legs. She also had a little nose ring. She was cute, Lyn had to admit. But she was very hard to read. When she smiled at Lyn, it seemed more she were smiling at her out of entertainment rather than out of friendliness. Like she was watching a puppy trying to climb stairs and failing rather than an actual human being on her first day of work. Lyn couldn't help but feel a little intimidated as she stacked CD after CD. Right now that was all se had been doing. Charlotte was going to teach her how to handle paperwork after sometime. They hadn't talked much after the interview, and they didn't know anything about each other other than what they had talked about during the interview. Lynn wanted to be friends, after all she was going to spend a lot of time with her, possibly the person she was going to spend most time with. But she didn't know if Charlotte wanted that. But that wasn't going to stopher from trying. She looked over to Charlotte whilst she was attending a customer wearing a Mindless Self Indulgence shirt looking at drumheads. Maybe I'll try tomorrow, she thought.

'Yeah, how much will that be?' Lyn asked over the phone. '$7.99 for the pepperoni pizza and the Doctor Pepper, anything else miss?' The voice responded. 'No, I'm good, so I already told you my address. Have a nice day, love you'. She then hung up. Did I just tell the pizza girl I loved her? Aw fuck. Lynn slapped her forehead. Thats's going to be embarrassing when answering the door. She just hoped the same person didn't deliver the pizza. She heard something outside. She looked towards the door confused. I literally just called a couple of minutes ago. She opened the door and looked outside. No one. She just shrugged and went back inside. Then she saw it.

'You're so cute' she immediately said in a baby voice. A cat had gotten inside and was resting on her couch. It was white, and orange, and looked about a year old. 'Hiiiiiii' she went towards it and grabbed it, not even considering it could attack her or have bugs. Luckily, it didn't. 'Can I keep you? I think I'm in love with you. Awwwwe' Lyn was a big fan of cats if you couldn't tell already. She let it go on the floor and got it a bowl of water. As it drank out of the bowl Lyn kept staring. It had no collar, was a bit thin, and it's fur was dirty and messy. It must be homeless, she  thought. Not anymore.'

She heard motorcycle revs outside. Pizza's here. She grabbed her wallet and opened the door. A girl smiled at her with a helmet on. Once she got the box and the drink she handed her the cash.

'Here's eight bucks, keep the change. Obviously'.

The girl smirked. 'Thank you for your generosity. I love you too'

Lyn laughed and her cheeks turned as red as the girl's uniform, whose tag read 'Andrea'', and she apologized 'Sorry about that. I'm used to hanging up the phone like that'.

Andrea casually answered 'Nah, it feels good to be appreciated. So, who is lucky enough to be receiving those "I love you's"? Your boyfriend or your mom?'

Lyn was a bit taken aback. Was she flirting? She said 'lucky' and asked about a relationship status. That's kinda flirting. She just answered the question. 'My mom, we're in a long distance relationship.'

Andrea laughed, her eyes lit up and everything. 'So, where did you come from? You're certainly new in town.' Lyn scoffed playfully, enjoying this conversation.

'And how exactly did you know that?' 'Please, I'm a delivery person. I know everyone here.'

'Fair enough. I come from Murrieta, just moved in'.

'Welcome then. Well, I gotta go. Duty calls. And you're also probably hungry.'

As she turned around and headed for her bike, Lyn said loudly 'Have a nice day!' Andrea, without turning around just said 'love you!'.

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