Lying is the most fun.

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Lynn woke up to the sound of birds chirping, something she had not heard in a while now. As she stretched and yawned and a little peace of sunlight illuminated her, she forgot what it was like to be Lynn for a couple of seconds. After Charlotte's sudden confession the previous night, Lynn didn't want to see anyone for a while. Not Charlotte, not Andrea, let alone Luke, but just stay in bed during a couple of days, or weeks reflecting about what her life had become.

She was content with her relationship with Andrea, but something about knowing about Charlotte's feelings for her triggered an emotion of fondness for the redhead. She realized how much she liked Charlotte too, in a friendly way and how she didn't want things to be uncomfortable from now on. She hoped they wouldn't be.

She hopped out of bed, pretending to be ready for the day's challenges, and got ready. After showering she got dressed in acid white shorts, a black muscle tee, and black Converse. It was the middle of summer and the store's AC was a little faulty, so she dressed in as little clothes as was socially acceptable.

Andrea gave her a ride to the store, since it was in her route to her own job, and they were saying goodbye all mushy couple-like at the store's front door.

"Have a day as beautiful as you are, you deserve it" Andrea said while they were holding hands, face to face, not ready to leave each other's arms yet. "You could have said, 'Have a day as beautiful as me' it'd would have made my day better."

"But that would have made me sound like a self-centered prick" Andrea said with a fake pout, inching her face towards Lynn, just a couple of seconds away from a kiss. "Oh, but you are. And you know it. I don't mind though, that's just how I like you."

And the inevitable kiss happened, it was quick but caring, as both girls knew if they kissed for longer they'd be late. "Have a beautiful day too" Lynn yelled when Andrea was about to drive away on Taylor.

Charlotte had been able to hear the whole conversation from the chair at the counter. And she could only pictured what had happened when they got quiet. She just hoped her cheeks didn't blush as much when Lynn entered the store, because she remembered what had happened the night before and she hoped Lynn didn't ask. And if she did, she had a solution to at least make things less awkward. Which was, of course, to blame it on the drugs.

"Hey" she greeted Lynn on her way in with a small smile on her face. "Hi" the brunette replied on her way to the break room to leave her bag there. "So, about yesterday..." Lynn started talking.

"What about?" Charlotte replied in an uninterested manner. Lynn seemed somewhat confused by that. "You said somethings that maybe we should address..." She said her voice getting a little higher with each word, as if she wasn't sure how to approach the situation.

Charlotte laughed a bit, seemingly worry-less, "Yeah, I have no idea what I'm talking about half of the time I'm high. I don't even remember it when I'm fully awake." Her face turned into a concerned expression. "Did I say something I should worry about? If I confessed any crimes I swear I didn't do it." She stated sarcastically, raising her hands as if she were being arrested.

"No, you just talked about your family. Nothing too criminal." Lynn responded in the same way. So was she not serious, or is she just covering it up? She thought. Either way, let's leave it like that. "So, I told you about the Way clan" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah, how many sisters again? And why the long fancy names?"

"I have five sisters, and my mom chose the names. She's into European Royalty, so she named us all after queens or princesses. She calls us by little nicknames, like Lottie and Izzy, but my dad always uses the full ones to make us feel like princesses. I always liked how it sounded so I call everyone by their full names, just like I call you Lyndsey." Charlotte explained, while they were both at the counter, ignoring the fat that they still hadn't placed a record in the Miracle Machine.

"That explains a lot, Lottie. And it's cute, you know, the whole princess thing. My mom always called me Lynn and my brother Alex. She likes simplicity." She was happy thinking about her family, and how life had always been simple with them.

"Don't call me Lottie, I don't like it." The redhead laughed, when she though of the fact that that was the first time Lynn talked about her own family. "So, what about your dad?"

Lynn didn't like talking about that, but she didn't mind now. "Never met him. He abandoned my mom when she was pregnant with me. Biggest mistake of his life probably, he missed out on the greatest family ever. Though he would have probably ruined it, so I'm glad he left. No one called me princess but my mom and Alex. And that's okay, you know. We never needed him." She glumly stated.

Charlotte could tell she was at least a little sad about it, but she didn't want to bum her out. A client walked to them, interrupting their conversation. She requested their help with finding "Humbug" by the Arctic Monkeys. Lynn offered to help as she knew exactly where it was, she had placed it there after all and she loved the record, so she remembered.

Charlotte watched her excitedly accompany the customer towards the Alt Rock section, watching her make conversation about the band. There's no one who gets more excited about music than this cutie. She though thankful for their friendship still being alive and well. She would much prefer being more than friends, but after that close call, she was glad Lynn had even talked to her. She did embarrassingly state "I want to kiss you" and thinking about that was enough to make her face become as red as her hair.

an: hii, glad you're enjoying the story so far. i need some cheering up guys, i lost the spelling bee. out of like fifty kids i ended up in the last eight. i really wanted the prize though. anyways, tell me what you think about the story. who would you rather Lynn date? Andrea or Charlotte? let me know please. have a wonderful day/night/life


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