Free pizza

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"I can't do this. I can't stand up to her. I mean, isn't it wrong that I'm mad at her for kissing someone else, when I myself did the same. But, she promised me. I don't know what to feel. All I know is I have to break up with her, but I don't think I'm ready."

Lynn's eyes were still red and puffy from crying, and she was still lightly hyperventilating, which only increased when the doorbell rang. She was on a sorry state, but who isn't after finding out you've been cheated on? Apparently not Andrea, Lynn thought when she remembered exactly how she reacted when she found out about Lynn and Charlotte kissing. She realized just how unaffected se had been compared to how anyone would react. She started realizing how fast Andrea had 'forgiven' her, when she probably never did or never cared at all. Anger boiled up inside of her, and she started seeing red. How dare she? Although Lynn was also mad at herself for letting herself be played like that. With those thoughts in mind, she dried her tears, took deep breaths and made up her mind, but Charlotte interrupted her thoughts.

"I wasn't planning on saying this so soon, but she is worse than just kissing your ex, who by the way had no idea who se was. Um, they did uhh, more than kissing. He kind of told me when I went to see him yesterday." Lynn's reaction was the same as Charlotte's, disgusted, but not because it was straight sex, unlike gay Charlotte, but because it was her ex and her other ex doing it. She was about to day something when the person outside went from ringing the doorbell to knocking, each knock becoming more distresses than the previous one. "Lynn!" Andrea's voice called from outside.

Lynn fueled by her anger stood up and stomped towards the door with a newfound confidence. She opened the door only to reveal an expectant Andrea with a pizza box on her hands and a confused smile on her lips upon seeing Lynn's angry demeanor.

"What'd I do now? I'm not late for our movie marathon am I?" She said with a playful smile crossing the threshold and placing the pizza on the countertop without giving so much a second glance to Lynn, who was now fuming with Andrea's care-free attitude, who she had once found so endearing.

"No, you were not late. What you did was fuck my ex-boyfriend." Lynn said awfully calmer than she had been seconds ago, feeling proud with herself for not screaming, because she so needed to.

Andrea turned with an amused look to herself, with two cups in her hand which she had intended to fill with drinks. "Wait, who was your ex? The wannabe punk blonde or the smartass geek?"

"You fucked two guys? In only like two days?" Charlotte explained angrily from the living room, making her way to the kitchen on the process. "If you weren't cheating on such a great girl, I'd congratulate you, I mean." She continued each word becoming more amused, that is until Lyndsey's stone glare pierced through her. "I mean, it's still wrong. You're still a psycho."

"Oh, you're here." Andrea stated the obvious with an unamused one, all of her light heartedness that surrounded her disappearing once she saw Charlotte. "That explains a lot. I guess I haven't been the only one fucking someone else, right?"

"Lynn is a good person, she promised she wouldn't cheat again, and she didn't. She's sane, unlike you. I'm only came here to warn her about you, with proof. The wannabe punk blonde isn't as much of a gentleman as you thought." She said, lifting her phone up to Andrea's face and showing her the same picture she had shown Lynn beforehand. "You're so busted. And not even a good kisser."

Andrea scowled when seeing the picture, knowing too well what this whole situation was about. She had no other excuse, her plan to hurt Lynn had been interrupted by Charlotte, and now Lynn wasn't on her side anymore. She only had one alternative, and that was to point the finger to someone else. conveniently enough for her, the ideal person to point fingers to was standing in front of her. "So what if cheated Lynn did so first, it's fair. And if you hadn't kissed her, we would still be happy, but no. You only want to ruin my relationship with Lynn to get with her, right?! If it wasn't for you, she wouldn't be angry with me!" She shouted at Charlotte, angrily stepping forward to seem taller out of instinct.

"I'm still here, you know." Lynn said, and the two arguing girls turned to look at her expectantly. She took a deep breath as if she was going to start a well rehearsed speech, when actually she was about to spew all of her feelings onto the kitchen counter without a thought about it firsthand.

"And I would have broken up with you anyways eventually. I'm glad I kissed Charlotte, if I hadn't I'd still be believing that you put the stars in the sky when you actually are the clouds covering them. It was wrong to kiss someone else when we were dating, and I felt so guilty and wrong afterwards, crying for your forgiveness and I promised I wouldn't do it again. But you promised the same and fucked two guys the next day and you don't even seem to be sorry. What I did was wrong, and I admit it. What you did was fucked up and now I see it. We are done here. For good. I want you out of my house. Now."

Lynn bellowed, finishing her speech with a hand pointing towards the door. Andrea stood there speechless for the first time in her life. It wasn't the only first, as she had never been dumped before. But there's always a first. And she was experiencing two now as she stood unmoving in Lynn's kitchen. During their whole relationship Lynn had never stood up for herself like that, and had never been so angry with her. Andrea was too shocked to comprehend that she had been kicked out.

"Haven't you heard? I'm not yours anymore!" Lynn shouted at Andrea's unresponsive glare. Upon hearing her Andrea walked slowly backwards, still looking intently at Lynn. Her step quickened and Charlotte and Lynn followed to watch her leave. She stopped suddenly at the door when she grabbed the knob and she turned back to say one more thing before she walked out if Lynn's house forever.

"You know, Lynn. I was so close to loving you, but I never actually did. "

And with that only silence followed until she door slammed shut. It stayed that way for a couple of minutes.

"Holy shit. I don't think I ever screamed at anyone like that before." Lynn said slowly returning to the kitchen.

"Well, she deserved it." Charlotte responded slowly following her.

Lynn stared unmoving at the counter top reflecting over what had been the happiness of her relationship that had just vanished and been replaced by this
feeling. "That last thing she said. I don't think she was lying just to hurt me. She never loved me at all. But I did love her. And that's what hurts the most, you know?"

Charlotte just stated quiet, glad that this was over, but heartbroken upon seeing Lynn suffer. She had no response to what Lynn had just pointed out.

"And it hurts to think that I could have had this future with her, the happy married couple thing I sometimes dreamed about, but she probably wouldn't have loved me then. I would have lived this happy lie, but one day the horrible truth would have eventually come out and ... " She trailed off still staring blankly at the counter top, her words filling the room until it felt like it was going to suffocate them.

"And ... I guess it was for the better that I realized this before that happened. Actually, you realized this, I was too blind to see it. Thanks" This time, Lynn's eyes met Charlotte's, both of them exchanging thoughts and Lynn leaned over without thinking and she placed her lips on hers, just a quick peck before pulling back.

"Thanks." she repeated this time slower, calmer and with all the honesty she could muster. She blushed a little and looked away with a small smile playing at her lips. She started up towards the living room expecting Charlotte to follow suit. "Come on. Let's watch a movie."

Charlotte stood there for a couple of seconds, allowing the feeling of Lynn's lips one hers linger for a second before snapping back to reality. She stood there unmoving and called to Lynn who was already waiting for Netflix to load. She lazily asked "what?" without so much glancing away from the screen.

"You know what the only good part about dating that bitch was?" Charlotte said close to giggling. Lynn didn't have a chance to respond before Charlotte sat next to her on the couch with a box in her hands and a smirk on her lips. What she said next made Lynn laugh, and they probably wouldn't stop laughing about for weeks. "Free pizza."


an: hiii sorry for the long wait, i was vacationing in cancun which was awesome. and also i told my sister about my pansexuality and she was cool. my mom and bro are cool with it too, so yay. i haven't told my dad tho, soo i never know. anyways, have an awesome day/night/life and you are all beautiful. sorry again for the long wait!


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