They're just girls

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Andrea kissed Lynn, and when she kissed back her lips felt like paradise. A thousand emotions fluttered through her, each one lingering in her mind and body. They had their eyes closed, and yet all they could see was beauty. Music played through the silence, and the temperature raised in their minds. Andrea's hands tried to lovingly caress every inch of Lynn's body, lifting her shirt up while they kissed. Lynn separated from her partner to take off her dark blue button-down flannel, recieving help with the buttons from an excited Andrea. When the piece of fabric landed on the floor Andrea started kissing her neck and jaw, making Lynn shiver with excitement. We're only kissing and I'm turned on as hell. I love this girl. Lynn couldn't control her thoughts, and she took off Andrea's white tank top and discarded it on the floor.

They kept on kissing on the white sheets, and Andrea took Lynn's hands and placed them over her head, leaving Lynn's chest uncovered, besides her black bra. She kept on kissing Lynn's jaw, slowly making a trail towards her stomach. Lynn surrendered all control and let Andrea take of her bra. She felt surprisingly comfortable for someone who was exposed to someone for the first time, but she owed that to the trust she had in her.

Lynn wanted more, needed more. She decided to take Andrea's bra off, this task made easier by the girl herself, who took it off with only one hand.

After discarding it on the floor, she placed her mouth on Andrea's chest, allowing her tongue to explore every inch of it, making Andrea give out loud moans, arching her back with pleasure. Lynn went down, but not without leaving a trail of little kisses on her stomach, navel and hips, when the jeans Andrea had been wearing became an obstacle.

Lynn felt a tinge of nervousness in the back of her head. As much as she loved Andrea, and wanted give her the pleasure she deserved she had no idea how to. After all, it was her first time with a girl. Andrea felt this hesitation, and as a way to navigate Lynn through, she smiled at her and with one reassuring look she said "I'll take it from here.".

Lynn understood perfectly, unbuttoning her pearly white denim shorts, leaving only her girly pink underwear. Andrea took all control from there, taking of her panties, and giving Lynn every pleasurable sensation she was capable of feeling. Lynn gasped and enjoyed every second of it though the rest of the night until they both fell asleep from tiredness.

It was the morning after, and both girls were naked on the bed asleep. All of their clothes from the night before were on the carpet floor, along with one of the sheets and a couple of pillows. The light of the sun seeped through the curtains, making its way to the girls' faces.

"You awake?" Lynn whispered, without moving, afraid of waking up Andrea. "Barely." She replied. "Last night was amazing. You are amazing."

A smile tugged at Lynn's lips. And a thought made its way into her mind. She remembered their first encounter, when Andrea had delivered her pizza.

"Hey, remember when I said "love you"on the phone that first time we met?" She said through her sleepiness. "How could I forget. That's when I met you"

"You think that was like, real-life foreshadowing?" Andrea gave out a little chuckle, and Lynn joined in giggling. Both girls were laughing uncontrollably on the bed now. When they had calmed down Andrea replied. "Must have been. Whatever it was, thank the lord it happened. Or destiny. Maybe it was luck. I don't know. All I know is that I have you and I'm thankful for that."

"I'm thankful too."

an: i have no idea how to write lesbian love making. welp. hope you enjoyed it. i didn't want to go further than that, srry if you wanted more. of if you didn't want it at all. anyways, have a nice life. xx

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