D is for Distracted

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Charlotte was at the front of the store, signing the new arrivals, as two delivery persons carried the boxes to the store.

"You missed a signature, Lottie" Dave, the usual delivery guy, said. He and Charlotte were on a first name basis. For a while he had tried subtly hitting on her a few times until she bluntly stated 'Dave, I'm into girls' and they remained friends.

"What? Oh sorry, here" She signed the last signature on the form and handed it to Dave. "You know, you seem a bit distracted, Lottie. Anything on your mind? You can talk to me about anything, you know"

Charlotte thanked God for having such a good friend. "Just been thinking." She replied. "About what? Or maybe about who?" He raised one eyebrow in a suggestive manner.

"God, Dave you're such a creep." Charlotte laughed at his remark, giving him a light shove. "Yeah, it's a who. A she. I'm thinking 'bout asking her out. But I don't how she'll react."

"I think she'll be okay with it. Don't worry, you're pretty lovable. Anyways, gotta go. Nice talking to ya. You can call me anytime if you want" He said as he hurried off to his truck, that was prepared to leave without him. Charlotte was gonna ask him to go grab a coffee as friends later, she decided.

As Charlotte opened the boxes, Lynn arrived and started helping her with them. "New arrivals?"she asked. "Yeah, I think we'll have to stay late here to organize them all. You busy tonight?"

"Nah, I'm okay with staying to help." Lynn didn't have plans. It was a tuesday after all. "So, Lyndsey, how'd you spend your day off?" Charlotte asked trying to make conversation as she carried a box over to the 'COUNTRY' section.

"I had a date." Lynn smiled at the thought. Charlotte tried not to look disappointed. Of course she's seeing someone. She thought sadly. She was still going to try and be her friend though. "Who with?"

"Andrea, remember that girl that came in the other day with a motorcycle? The one with short hair?" Charlotte remembered well who Andrea was. She was the one who was taking Lyndsey away from her. But she tried not to be bitter.

"Yeah, I remember her. So, you're into girls? I did not see that coming. But I kinda wanted it though. There aren't many open lesbians around here, you know, it's nice meeting someone who gets it."

"Well, I'd say I'm more like bi, or pan. I don't know. Andrea is the first girl I'm dating. So far so good, right?" She joked. "So you're a lesbian?" Lynn was very curious now. She'd never realized how you can talk to someone daily and never know something so monumental about them. She shrugged it off.

"Yeah, came out at thirteen. But I knew since I was like seven. Though I've never been in a long term lesbian relationship. Most of them were straight girls who I fell for and they wanted to 'experiment'." She said making air quotation marks with a disappointed air to them. Lynn could tell she had been hurt by those girls who probably never felt anything for her. She tried not to feel sorry, because she knew Charlotte was one of those people who don't like people feeling sorry for them.

"Long story short. Never date a straight girl. Or fall for one." Charlotte remarked, ending the conversation. She smiled at Lynn, hoping she truly was into girls.

The day went by in a hurry, with clients coming in, asking, buying, leaving and repeat. They had stopped with the boxes once opening time came around, and they had left them in the storage room for now. 'If' by Mindless Self Indulgence was playing. It was one of Charlotte's favorite records. And it was slowly turning into one of Lynn's. She had to admit her coworker's taste in music was flawless. What she didn't know is that her coworker thought of her as flawless.

They usually talked and talked and talked in between clients. They had nothing else to do honestly. Lynn enjoyed talking to Charlotte and Charlotte enjoyed being so close to Lyndsey. She couldn't keep her gayness inside. Lyndsey was so adorable and easy going, and they had so much in common. She knew it wasn't fair to not like Andrea just because Lyndsey liked her, but she couldn't help but think of the short-haired girl with contempt. Charlotte wasn't this possessive usually, especially when she couldn't even call Lyndsey hers. But maybe it was just love, making her do crazy things.

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