Too much fun

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"For you" Andrea said when she saw Lynn opening the door. The shorter girl immediately smiled and thanked her. She put it in her hair with a bobby pin and Andrea giggled telling her she looked pretty. "You good to go?"

"Yeah, sure." Lynn said while stepping out and heading towards Andrea's car. The owner of said car hurried to the car so she could open the door for her date. Well, she hoped it was. She was trying to make it blatantly obvious that it was a date, so there would be no confusion whatsoever when she tried to make a move. Lynn got into the car smiling. The doorbell, flowers, opening the door. She's old school. She thought while happily reflecting on the treatment she was getting. "Where are we going anyways?" She asked.

"That's for me to know, and for you to be happy about when we get there" Lynn scoffed. "You are incredible". Andrea simply smirked. "You don't know the half of it"

The two girls started to talk about their jobs after some ice-breaker questions and somehow ended up talking about their childhood teachers. They were so entranced in the conversation Lynn forgot they had been driving for a while. She didn't question their direction until Andrea suddenly stopped the car after a U-turn. They were out of town in the deserted road.

"Where are we?" Lynn asked, very entertained by her date's choice of location. "Don't worry. We're still in town, just outside of the city limits. I'm not gonna kidnap you or anything"

"If you're not gonna kidnap me, why are we here?"

"The quiet. Which we are going to disturb. See, that CD I bought is 'Collide With The Sky' Pierce The Veil. The day you ordered the pizza you had one of their shirts and so I bought the CD when I saw the name. I loved them. But I can't sing these in my house because of my neighbors, who are an adorable elderly couple who I don't wish to disturb. So I brought you here to enjoy the music at the highest volume possible without disturbing anyone. You in?"

"Fuck yeah I am." Lynn knew this girl was a keeper.

Andrea started the car again and pressed play in her stereo. The first melodic notes started playing, and she revved the car engine. You could hear both hearts beating to the rhythm of the music if you listened close enough. Then the music really started. Andrea hit the accelerator and the guitar blasted their ears. Lynn started laughing and Andrea gave a scream of pure joy. Then they started singing along to the top of their lungs.

Lynn's heart beat faster than it ever had before, and she felt like she could literally fly if she wanted to. Andrea was only driving in circles, but with the music, the speed and the excitement that came with the mix of both it felt amazing. They sang three more songs until Andrea abruptly stopped the car.

"Are you as tired as I am?" She asked Lynn. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired. But I feel like I could sing their entire discography at the same time."

"Same. But I brought food if you'd like to eat." Lynn's stomach made noises at the mention of food. "What'd you bring?" "Something I knew you'd like"

Lynn's head turned towards the backseat and surely enough she saw a box of pizza sitting there snugly stuck in place with a seatbelt.

"Man, you're the best." Lynn said to Andrea.

The sun was setting, but there was still enough light to eat. Andrea had brought two blankets. A soft one made of fabric, which she put on top of one made of plastic. That way the soft one didn't get dirty and the hot desert sand didn't get to them. They sat and ate and talked well until the sun was long gone and the first stars had started to appear. After that they decided to head back home.

They obviously played the rest of the CD on their way back, but they silently agreed not to sing. They were quiet during the whole ride, but it wasn't awkward at all. Lynn's left hand found it's way to Andrea's right hand, who was steering with her other one. Their fingers intertwined and the stars seemed to shine a bit brighter instantly. Their smiles were invisible in the darkness, but they both somehow knew the other girl was smiling. You could feel it in the air.

When Andrea pulled into Lynn's driveway and stopped her car , it was hard to separate their hands. But they couldn't spend eternity with their hands joined.

"I'll see you around at Stereo Sound" Andrea shyly said. "I'll miss you in the breaks. Lynn replied, equally as shy.

Before opening the door, Lynn hesitated and without thinking she leaned over and kissed Andrea. Andrea kissed her back. Both of them closing their eyes, happier than they imagined. It was short and sweet, but a kiss nonetheless, and Lynn got out of the car immediately after it ended. She made her way to the door and upon entering jumped up and down excitedly. meg looked at her owner confused. Lynn had a smile on her lips that she didn't know if she was gonna be able to ever take off. How can a kiss, such a simple thing, make a complicated machine, like a person, this happy?

Meanwhile, Charlotte locked up Stereo Sound after making sure everything was in order. She sighed as she got into her car. She wondered how Lyndsey had spent her day off. And she wondered if Lyndsey had missed her as much as she missed Lyndsey.

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