Constant conversations

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"Hey, mom" Lynn said into the phone "Sorry I haven't called in a while, I've been working"
"That's okay, sweetie, I've been busy too with exams week. I've had to grade like sixty tests and most of them make me wanna cry. Kids these days just don't care. I expected for them to at least use logic, is thinking out of trend or what?" Lynn smiled listening to her mom, who was a high school teacher, complain about her students. It was really entertaining in all honesty, especially having being in a classroom full of kids like the ones she described.

" I don't know mom. Maybe their brains were melted by the fumes of the school's floor cleaner. That shit can get you high in excess I swear." Lynn remembered that everyday the hallway floors were squeaky clean, but the cleaner smelled stronger than fresh paint. One kid started sniffing the floors as a joke and pretended to be high. Lynn had no idea what happened to him after he got expelled.

"Nah, they already stopped using those cleaners. But anyways, enough about me and Sun Valley High. Tell me about your day. Everything okay at work?"

"I met someone there. I had a day off and we went on a date" Lynn could almost hear her mother going 'Yes!'. Melanie Gunnulfsenn had never liked Luke, and the thought of her daughter finally moving on made her happy.

"Soo, tell me more. What's his name? Where did you go? Is he decent?" Lynn cringed a little at the mention of 'his' and 'he'. She knew her mother would be okay with her dating a girl, but she still had her doubts.

"We went outside of town and had a picnic in the dessert during the sunset. It was really fun. Her name is Andrea." Silence was the only response. After what felt like an eternity later, but was only less than a minute, her mom replied.

"She's a girl? Oh" She sounded a bit disappointed.

"Something wrong with that?" Lynn started getting a bit angry, her mom should be okay with her dating a person of any gender. Her mom quickly replied though, dismissing any anger Lynn had had. "No, it's perfectly fine. I was just a bit surprised. So, do you like her?"

Relief washed over Lynn like a wave. She knew her mom would be okay with it. And even if she wasn't, Lynn would still date Andrea, but knowing her mom loved her unconditionally made her really happy.

"Yeah, I like her a lot. We like the same music, and she's very laid back. We kissed" Lynn told her mom everything about her relationships and she wasn't planning on holding back just because Andrea was a girl.

"Lynn, would you, um would you marry her? I mean, would you marry a girl?" Lynn didn't think about this before but she knew the answer in her heart. "If I loved her. And she loved me back"

"Okay. Just be careful with your heart, okay? If she breaks it I won't care if she's a girl, I will cut her." Lynn was very grateful for being born to Melanie Gunnelfsenn. She was all Lynn had ever needed. Her and her brother had been all of her family, and she loved it that way. Lynn was going to tell her other friends later, but she had chosen to tell her best friend first.

"Thanks mom. I love you"
"Love you too, sweetie"

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