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Laiah is a freak of all nature.

A angel, a demon and a dragon, a fury dragon the strongest of all. They gained power from rage, the angrier they became the harder it is to stop them. That's why they usually remain in solitude, rarely shifting.

And Laiah was angry and on the verge of shifting lucky for me I came in time. I wasn't a fury dragon, but a water dragon. We were not as powerful as the fury but being a King gave me just a bit more power that the others and also the fact that she hasn't fully shifted but I could see the black scales that were forming on her body. Laiah needed to chill the fuck down!

I was already in my aquamarine and coral dragon form, I enclosed her entire body with water. I watched as it enclosed around her body. When I felt like it was enough I released her from the bubble and transformed into my naked form.

" What the fuck? She's stronger than either of us will ever be!"Azar exclamaimed.

"Her ability to learn is astounding! She created a beautiful winter on her first try!" Zaar boosts.

"Wait a winter? It's that the hardest level? The one that took you three years to properly make?" This girl was really something else.

"We've done our part. Zaar you helped awaken his angel, Azar did her demon and she did the dragon. But tell me babe what exactly did you say to get the poor girl angry?" I asked.

"She has a dick and due to her transformation her body hasn't yet fully developed so her face was incomplete. She went to fill on panic mode then I told her to calm down and she just kinda got angry. I guess this was all too much for her." He frowned.

"She has a dick!" Of course that was the only thing Azar heard from the entire explanation.

"Really love?" Zaar laughed.

"Can't blame me. I haven't been getting the lil dicky since I was sent to her." He complained.

"Little dicky?"

"That's what you heard." He teases.

"Come over here and I'll show you just how little this dicky is," I growled.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" He says sliding over to me but was pulled back by Zaar.

"We have a fully unconscious hybrid in our mist."

"And so? She won't hear a thing." When Azar wanted something he really just needed to get it. I guess we spoiled him too much.

"Exactly. She's should have revived by now! "

Zaar was right. She was spiritually knocked out. Physical is a different thing, the body is asleep but the brain is still alive but this.. it'll be a miracle if she escape the abyss.

"Shit!"Azar cursed and began pacing up and down in the space." I hope she okay. What am I kidding? She's not okay!"

It was strange seeing him so concern for someone he barely knew, he's a demon afterall.

"Wait..hybrid...golden eyed..." Zaar whispers walking about in circles.

Oh no! Nothing is ever right when he does that!" What's wrong?" Azar asked worriedly but Zaar didn't answer he was still walking in circles.

After calling his name for two minutes straight and not receiving a response we decided that maybe it was best to just let him figure his shit out so we waited.

And waited.

"That's what it meant!" Zaar suddenly bursted out," It was her! She's the one I saw in the vision!"

"What vision? And why are we now hearing about this?" I questioned.

"It was such a long time ago, I almost forgot. There was a door, a large silver door. With no handle , no knob anything. The world was crumbling in chaos, the supernatural world was in crisis and in the middle of it all laid a girl, a golden eyed girl with a silver key in hand." He said.

"What does this have to do with Laiah?" Azar asked confused, he could be really slow sometimes.

"A war is coming .The door is the metaphor for freedom, peace, unity. And only Laiah knows how to stop it." He explained further.

"She didn't know there was a supernatural world a week ago! How will she know how to stop a war? How do you even know it's her?" Azar did have a point.

"Because I've been alive for thousands of years and never have I once seen a supernatural being with Golden eyes beside Laiah. And it is her, I've never been wrong before and I won't start now." Zaar says getting a bit angry," We must go to the Goddess at once,only she will be able to get her out of the abyss."

"Can't we have a little quickie first? Before the world ends?" Azar pleaded.

"You know he's not going to stop until you give him what he wants." I laughed.

"Fine then. 5 minutes and that's it!" Zaar growled finally giving in.

"Yay!" Azar clothes was off in .5 seconds

Zaar closed his eyes and the winter faded away into a large field of dandelions.

It was so amazing how he could transform things, create things while Azaar could only destroy and manipulate. I was the mediator, I could do both but not as good as either of them. I guess that's why our relationship survived for this long, we balanced each other off.

" Are you just going to stand here?" Zaar asked. This time they were both naked and Azar busied himself with Zaar's dick in his mo

" I don't know...I think I'd just watch. The view seems spectacular." I teased.

"Boy if you don't get that dick in Azar.." I didn't wait for him to continue, I flew over to them and continued to stare.

" Don't test my patience!" It's funny how bossy the cross-dresser could get during sex but I wasn't going to risk it and laugh.

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