[51] Claret

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"Hey." I tentatively touch Devonne's shoulder as she begins for the tents like the other kids. "Can we talk?"

She doesn't say anything, but takes my hand without turning and starts pulling me to the side, towards the forest.

"I'm sorry," I blurt, before she has the opportunity to say anything. "I shouldn't have gone off on you like that."

It's obvious that she expected something else, but her gaze softens and she steps forward, resting her hands on my hips. "When I ask what's wrong," she says slowly. "I don't mean to intrude. I care about you, okay? You mean.. You mean a lot to me."

Her touch sends shivers down my spine; butterflies erupting in my tummy. But I hold them in and keep my cool.

"I know, I know. And I know I shouldn't have yelled at you. Forgive me?"

Devonne shakes her head, as if not believing I just asked that. "Of course I forgive you. Like there's anything to forgive at all." She pulls me closer to her, and I can smell her minty fresh breath from the proximity. "I love you."

I'm well aware where this is going. And, God, I can't voice how much I've waited for this moment.

A whistle behind us breaks the silence. "Come on, ladies, get to your tent." It's Lucy.

Devonne sighs, rolls her eyes, and takes my hand, leading me back to our tent. "One day, if we ever cross paths outside camp, I am going to kill that woman."

We pull aside the flap, and climb onto the slightly raised platform, on which the other four girls have laid their sleeping bags. They're all in the midst of removing their makeup, squinting at the tiny mirrors in their hands. There weren't supposed to be any mirrors here. Or so I thought.

Devonne unrolls her sleeping bag, and I do too.

"Lights out in ten minutes! I don't want to hear any talking!" Lucy calls from outside.

Not going to lie, I've barely survived the past few days without wearing any makeup at all, but at least I'm not like those clowns in that corner there who squeal when they go under the water and come up with their mascara in a mess.

Devonne settles down on her sleeping bag, pulling her phone out. We're told that we can only use them before seven am or after ten pm, because the hours between them would most likely provide no access to our tents, and thus our phones.

She types something into it, then holds the device to her ear.

She smiles after a few seconds. "Hey, baby! How was your day?"

I know I shouldn't feel jealous, but I do. I know she's only talking to her little sister, but I can't help wanting her to never call anyone else 'baby' but me. I know she loves her, possibly more than anyone else in the world, but I wish I was that person, who was able to make her smile so easily, instead.

"Mhm, yeah, I'll be back tomorrow." She pauses, then rolls her eyes. "No, I didn't get you anything. It's a camp, honey, not a vacation."

I sit silently as she speaks on the phone, half wanting to take my own phone out and call Zack just to feel purposeful, and half knowing he wouldn't care if I called anyway.

"All right, baby, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, I love you!" She pulls her phone from her ear, turns it off, and keeps it back in her bag.

Lucy sticks her head through the flap of the tent door. "Ladies, please go to sleep. Lights out is right now."

I nod, and lie down, as do the other girls. Within minutes, I can hear breathing patterns steady, and the tent goes quiet.

I remain staring up into the darkness. It surprised myself to feel that I miss home. Mainly because I had such a hard time there that I would have thought I wouldn't want to go back. I guess what I do miss is the normality of things. I like everything to have a place, to feel comfortable in my surroundings.

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