[23] Sapphire

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I grip the polaroid tightly in my hand as I slide into the seat beside Devonne. "Hi."

She doesn't acknowledge me, so I try again. "Good morning?"

A roll of her eyes. But at least she sees me, right?

I glance down at the polaroid, and renewed hope rises in me. If she loved me this much before, there's no way it all suddenly washed out.

"Devonne-" I start, but then she interrupts me with a quick flashing of her narrowed eyes.

"Don't," she says, as her cold eyes lock on mine. "Stop saying my name. I don't like you, okay? And not only do I not like you, I fucking despise you. Stop playing yourself off as the victim in every situation. Stop crying at every little thing. You're a fucking attention whore, all right? And I hate you. I hate you, and we're not friends. We never were, never will be, and are not now. We're not friends, and I wish you'd just stop fucking talking to me, because I don't want to talk to you."

Leaving me speechless in my seat, Devonne gets up and goes to the front. A minute later, Annabel comes to sit with me, and I find myself staring at Devonne's head of blonde hair just as our teacher walks in.

I won't cry.

I have to force tears down now.

I promised myself I wouldn't cry today, no matter what Devonne said or did to me.

I won't cry.

A tear streaks down my cheek, and I quickly wipe it away.

Fuck, I'm crying.

I take in a deep breath, steadying myself.

I won't cry.

But what I will do, is go on that date with Dallas. Julian doesn't have to know. Lucas doesn't have to know. Zack doesn't have to know.

I just really want to be held by a girl again. Boys sometimes just don't measure up to standards emotionally, and I want a girl who will drink and dance with me until I pass out.

I stomach the rest of the lesson in silence, taking my phone out as soon as the bell rings and carefully typing Dallas' number in it.


"Heyy, Kenzie! That you?"

I pick my books up and start out of class. "Yeah, it's me."

"So, the date? Are you in?"

I take in a deep breath. "Absolutely."

"Great! I'll see you later, then."

The call clicks off. I slowly lower the phone from my ear, then stare blankly at it.

'See you later?' When's later? And where? God, this girl is confusing.

I turn, and literally bump into Julian.

"Hey, Kenzie," he greets. "What's up?"

Guilt gnaws at me at the sight of my supposed boyfriend. "Nothing much. I'm just tired, I guess."

We begin walking down the hallway, and Julian puts an arm around my waist. "Look, Kenz, I had a lot of fun with you at the Demi concert.. Even though we got kicked out." He laughs.

I beg myself to stop the waves of guilt that keeps pouring over me as we stop by the Art classroom just as the first bell rings.

"You're not like any other girls I've met. I can't put it in words, but you're.. Different. In a good way. And I was wondering if I could take you out on another date."

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