[3] Crimson

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I sink to the ground, crying, my fingers weaving and clutching at the thick velvet carpet that lies on every inch of my room's floor. Everything here is too rich; cost too much. My heavy black curtains, studded with actual diamonds at the edges, could probably feed a whole country for a year if it were to be sold.

On me, it's entirely a waste.

I don't know why I'm crying. I don't know why I'm upset. Anyone would think I have the perfect life; I have everything I could ever ask for, all the servants in the world to wait on me hand and foot; what more could I want?

But even the slightest things affect me in ways I cannot explain.

I try to get myself to stand, to prepare for the girl that would undoubtly arrive in mere minutes, but I continue to lie on the floor, numbed by my own will to to die, until the intercom on my wall begins to crackle.

"Miss Stone, there's a girl at the gate, calls herself Devonne Taylor. She's asking for you."

I sit up, horrified at how I've let myself ruin my composure. So much for keeping calm and sticking to the plan.

Somehow, I manage to make my way to the intercom, press the button labelled 'door', and whisper, "Send her in."

I do the math in my head. The walk to the house itself would take at least a minute, the walk to the stairs a minute more. To find my room would take a while.

I have time, I reassure myself. She's not here yet.

I rush into my bathroom and remove the majority of my makeup with water before beginning to put more on.

I've just finished applying mascara when I'm pulled up short by a knock on the door. Water drips from my hands and to the carpetting as I open it.

Devonne smiles at me. "Hi."

I step aside for her to walk in.

"Your house is huge," Devonne comments, as she looks around my room, stepping towards my bed. "God your room is fancy! I feel like I'm at some furniture museum."

I close the door behind Devonne. "Thanks." I gesture towards the mini fridge beside my desk. "Feel free to take whatever you want."

Suddenly, there's a loud, brief knock on my door, and it flings open. My brother Zack stands at the doorway. "Hey, babygirl, Dad wants to-" Then he catches sight of Devonne, smirks, and nods at her. "Hey, I'm Zack."

A rush of blood spreads over my cheeks as I pick a pillow up and throw it at my brother while Devonne just laughs. "What does Dad want?"

My father's voice resounds from behind, and he comes into view. "Guest list for your party, Kenzie. It's in three weeks. That's barely enough time to prepare. Have you sent out the invites?"

Fuck no. I'd thought that I'd have more time than this. "No, sorry, Dad. Totally slipped my mind.." As if. ".. I'll get it to you as soon as possible."

His expression doesn't change, but I see the slight narrowing of his eyes. "Make it quick, Kenzie. Parties don't plan themselves." Then he turns and leaves.

Zack gives me a sympathetic look before sending a goofy smile my way. "Have fun." He closes the door.

Jesus, will people stop telling me that?

There's an impassive look on Devonne's face as she walks towards my bedside table. "Your father doesn't seem like he likes you a lot," she comments quietly, then her head snaps up to look at me, as if startled by what she'd said. "I mean, don't take it the wrong way. Sorry. Just slipped."

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