[53] Lava

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You would have thought that nothing could surprise me anymore, at least considering Devonne's and Jake's history. But nothing could prepare me for seeing this.

"Well," he smirks, turning to face me. "If it isn't Kenzie, the girl after my Devonne."

I throw my arm in the direction of that girl in indignance. "That wasn't your Devonne!"

Jake steps out of the lift, making me have to look up to make eye contact. He smiles smugly, smoothly, unnerved. "But it's your word against mine, and she'll believe me anyway. And is she wearing you nine hundred dollar necklace? No."

"You just kissed another girl!" I protest, still trying to wrap my head around the fact. If he could have Devonne, the girl who was by my definition perfect, why would he want anyone else?

He wiggles a finger at me. "You know, that just sounds like a jealous weasel to me." His face turns sad in complete faking. "I mean, why would you lie to break us up? How could you, Kenzie?"

Then his face relaxes into a smile as he walks off.

I pull my phone out and dial Zack's number, my lips set into a grim line. "Okay, let's get rid of him."

I can hear the smile in his voice. "I knew you'd come to this conclusion, babygirl."

I rejoin them on another floor.

"What's the plan?" Zack asks.

"We're going to catch him in the act." I smile as I type Dallas' number into my phone. We're going to need a hot girl who cares enough about Devonne to go along with our stupid plan, and she's the only one I can think of who will. "Go get some cameras."

"On it," Matt replies, as he walks off.

Dallas picks up. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Kenzie. Have you seen Jake since he came from Texas?"

Dallas doesn't seem any disturbed by my calling her right out of the blue. "No, but I heard that he's dreamier than ever, and he bought her an amazing necklace."

"I saw him kissing another girl," I butt in.

Her tone immediately darkens. "I hate him. What's the plan?"

"We're going to try to catch him in the act. Wear a disguise, or something. Look hot. Meet me at Residence Bel-Air on the third floor."

"Got it." The line clicks dead.

Matt reappears with a camera, and Dallas joins us twenty minutes later. Meanwhile, I fill them in with the details.

"His room is on the fourteenth floor, 1427. He's also got sort of a thing for lifts, so we're going to try and catch him there."

"So you want me to keep riding the elevator until I see him?" Dallas asks.

I nod.

"Great. Just wanted to make sure I knew the plan."

I roll my eyes. "And you're sure that disguise is enough? You look the same to me."

Dallas smiles secretively. "Let's just say I've changed a lot since Texas."

We hear footsteps go around the corner, and the four of us duck into different doorways. Jake walks out, half naked and a towel around his shoulders.

"Dallas, get to the lifts," I say quickly. "I'll use my phone to film. Got your walkie talkies? Good. Zack, Matt, you wait by the lobby lifts."

We go our different directions, and I stand at the lifts on Jake's room floor, my head jerking in the direction of the sound when each lift stops on my floor.

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