[8] Wonderwall

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The thought of seeing Devonne again makes me nervous, but when I step into English class for first period, Devonne isn't at our table. The seat beside me remains empty throughout the lesson, and I have to continuously remind myself that I've only known her for mere weeks, not years.

I escape into my music room at Lunch, remembering how we'd promised to meet here for our project today, but accepting she wouldn't be here. I'm wrong, apparently, because when I walk in, Devonne's sitting at the piano, and the music drifts to a stop when she hears me enter.

"You're in school," I say, my face an indifferent mask.

"I was at the dentist." Devonne has a careful smile on her face. Happy, but cautious. "I promised I'd meet you here, didn't I?"

I shrug as I set my bag down on the floor and head for the guitars.

"Listen." Devonne comes to sit by me. "I'm really sorry about yesterday, but.."

The rest of her words escapes my attention as that specific phrase sends spasms of pain through my body, but I keep calm.

".. I don't know if you were having a mental episode or if you just really didn't want to kiss me, but if it's the first one, then I just want to say I understand. If it's the latter, I'm s-"

"Stop." I hastily withdraw the finger I'd rested on her lips before she can get the entire sentence out. "You don't understand, okay? Forget it. Let's just continue with the project."

Devonne catches and holds my hand before I can take it back fully. She's wearing a different shade of lipstick today, thankfully. "I do understand, but if you don't want to talk about it, then let's just focus on the project, okay?"

I nod. I'm determined not to lose my composure today; to have more of that 'spark' Devonne claims I had before.

"Hey, so am I going over today after school?"

"I have testing," I say.

She gives me a little more space. "What's testing?"

"For the party," I explain, as I fake nonchalence by starting to tune the guitar I've taken from the racks. "Every year, I have to do a testing about a week before to choose what dishes to be served, what music to be played; basically the only leniency my dad shows me in concern to the birthday plans."

"So you'll be trying out different foods and stuff?"

I nod, and Devonne's eyes light up. "Ooh, can I come? I mean, it'll be good to have another person's opinion as well, right?"

To be absolutely honest, I love how much she's not even trying to be 'cool' and cover up when she wants to come over. It makes me feel like she really does want to hang out with me, and I love that.


Like the day before, Devonne follows my car home when the school day ends. When we enter the testing room, which is a room in my dad's office wing in the house, everything is already set out for our testing.

The testing room is entirely electronic. The floors and walls are made of programmed electronics, susceptible to change made by the head computer. My dad uses this room to present stuff for his company, to, like, show defined parts he wants to add to the cars, or whatever. The walls are white, forming the normal structure, when we walk in. Zack instantly guides us to the lone table, and the floor opens and slides up two revolving chairs when he snaps his fingers.

"Just a minute, ladies," Zack says, as we sit on the chairs. "I'm going to program the computer now."

Devonne looks awed by everything around her. "This is so fucking cool! What the actual fuck!"

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