[9] Ruby

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My eyes open for a millisecond, then screw shut at the brightness that greets me. There's a strange, comforting warmth in the bed that I'm not used to. It must be one of the maids come in at night to put a hot water bottle in my bed.

Then I hear a giggle oddly close to me. "Good morning."

My eyes slowly open, memories of the night before flooding back into my brain. With a start, I realize that while Devonne had been the one hugging me last night, now I am gripping on to her.

I quickly break apart from Devonne and sit up, going red. "I-I.. Sorry," is all I manage to come up with.

Devonne is laughing as she sits up as well. "It's no big deal. I liked it." Then she pokes me. "You feel really warm."

All I do is blush again and drop my eyes to the covers. When I do raise them, however, I discover that Devonne gazing at me with a sort of curious but adoring look in her brown ones. Neither of us say a word as I find myself lost in those beautiful eyes as a small smile begins to make its way onto her lips.

There comes a loud, brief knock on my door. "Miss Stone, the time now is 7.03 in the morning. Your car will be ready in forty minutes. Would you like any breakfast?"

"I'll be down," I call back, as my eyes stay locked on Devonne's. There's silence for a minute; I'm drawn to the way her white teeth pull on her lower lip, biting on it unconsciously.

"We-We should get changed," I whisper, even though moving is the last thing I want to do right now.

Devonne agrees, but she has to be the first to break eye contact before I get out of bed. I start for my wardrobe. "Here, you can wear some of my clothes."

"You're, like, ten sizes smaller than me, Kenz," Devonne reminds me as she walks into the bathroom. "There's no way I'll ever be able to fit into your clothes."

I just shrug, her comment rendering me self conscious as I automatically tug a little on my sleeves to cover my scars. "Just come over here and choose an outfit."

"I need to brush my teeth," Devonne complains. "God, my breath stinks."

"Spare tooth brushes are in the second drawer to your right," I respond automatically.

Devonne joins me after she's brushed her teeth, and begins looking through my closet. "Black.. Black.. Black.. Red.. Black.. Okay, you know what? We need to take you clothes shopping sometime. All you have is black!"

"And that's how I like it," I try to defend myself, feeling even more insecure as I take out a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black top.

So I'm not good with fashion. So I don't like stepping out of my fashion comfort zones in fear that I'd be laughed at. So I feel safe in black clothes. Can anyone blame me?

Devonne laughs. "Aww, come on, kiddo, you know I love you. Don't be so sensitive."

I only grumble under my breath as I head for the bathroom, but Devonne follows me. "So do you love me back?"

I ignore the fluttering sensation that attacks my stomach again at that seemingly innocent question, and shake my head.

"No?" Devonne asks, before she runs over to my desk and comes back with a pudding cup. Then she holds it up to me, a cheeky smile on her lips. "What about now?"

I take the pudding cup from Devonne, allowing myself to smile. "Okay, I love you."

Happiness spreads over Devonne's face, but she quickly turns and returns to my closet without saying another word.

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