[52] Soteriophobia

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"Excuse me, did you just say boyfriend?"

Devonne scrambles off my lap. "Ex-boyfriend, boyfriend, friend, the lines aren't clear, okay? We had a fight, and then I left Texas, and none of us really said anything, so he probably still thinks-"

"Dev, baby!"

Devonne turns around and allows herself to be pulled into the boy's embrace.

I study him with hateful eyes, swallowing the lump in my throat at seeing her with someone else.

He's tall, about 5'11, and practically towers over Devonne. I can see the muscles in his arm ripple as he picks her up and spins her around, and I swear to God, the urge to punch him in the face is so strong right now.

"Jake! What are you doing here?"

Jake puts her down. "I came back for you, baby. For us. I've missed you."

Tears blur my eyes, and I have to control my breathing as I stand up and turn around. I don't want to have to sit there and see them mush around with each other. God fuck. Devonne's eyes plead for me to stay when they catch mine before I turn, but I don't. I can't. Instead, I take a left, then another one, and sit there against the lockers.

She has a boyfriend. What the actual fuck. All these months she's played me, made me give my heart to her, and she has a fucking boyfriend!

I wipe at the tears that streak down my face. I shouldn't be crying. We weren't even an item to begin with. She can have whatever fucking boy she wants; it's not my problem. It's hers. Because I'm not her girlfriend. I'm just some girl she happened to meet in some high school in California that she happened to feel some love for. How can I compete with a boy that she's had years and years of history with, probably kissing and fucking and holding hands and doing all those things I really want between Devonne and I?

This isn't fair.

When I receive a text from Zack and go out to find him, they're still there. Jake has her in his arms, and as far as I can see, she's not resisting.

I try to go as quietly as possible, my gaze glued to the ground as I walk.

But it's not enough to block Devonne out of my peripheral vision, see her untangle herself from her boyfriend. "Kenz, wait! We need to talk."

I only shake my head, unable to trust my voice as I pick my speed up and run for Zack's car.

He, at least, is smiling when I enter. "Hey, babysis. How was camp?"

I shake my head again, holding back until we're out of sight before I let the tears spill down my cheek. "She has a boyfriend. She has a fucking boyfriend."

"The whole time?" He frowns as he drives, his hands tightening around the steering wheel.

I nod tightly, and he exhales loudly, muttering something under his breath.

When we park, he gets out of the car, opens the door for me before I can, and opens the boot.

"What are you doing?" I ask numbly, as he takes something that resembles a bat out.

"Going to settle scores," he replies grimly, then catches my expression. "Don't worry, I won't hit a girl."

So he'll hit Jake instead.

"And where would you find them? In school? In her house, that we don't even know the address of?"

Zack sighs, then hits the nearest tree with the bat, the force almost sending him back. Then he throws the bat back into his boot, slams it down, and catches me completely off guard when he scoops me into his arm as if I weigh no less than a kitten.

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