[41] Carmine

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Life didn't change immediately, if that's what you'd expect. I didn't suddenly explode with a thousand fans who greeted me when I walked outside. I didn't look any different, and no one treated me any differently.

In reality, what did happen was that I went home that night, told my parents what had happened, and was not so pleasantly informed that my dreams were never going to come true. I wasn't dumb enough to stick around after that, so I went to tell Zack. He, on the other hand, told me he was so incredibly proud of me, and it was decided that he was coming with me to Syco Records on Saturday.

But nothing really changed. I didn't tell anyone but my family in case, for some reason or another, Simon Cowell wouldn't like me and Syco Records didn't want me after all.

For the rest of that day, I felt like I was floating on air. I fell asleep happy, for once. When I woke up the next morning, everything seemed pretty normal. Even now, as I sit in the restored gym, waiting for Coach Johnson to arrive for the lesson, I didn't appear different to myself. The conversation I had with Jack Richard, or whatever his name is, seems surreal. Like it didn't actually happen. Like I dreamt it up.

Because what are the chances that me, a simple girl from Britain, sitting in the school gym with her bestfriend just like any other normal teenager, could suddenly become a star overnight? Probably one in a million. And to think that I'm that one seems so fucking impossible to myself.

Coach Johnson walks in then, pulling a whiteboard on wheels behind him. Then he blows a whistle to make us all gather before him. "All right, kids, settle down. Before we actually start the lesson, I'm going to have to brief you all on the camping trip we're having during the winter holidays." He begins passing forms out. "Basically everything you need to know are on these forms, but I'm going to go through them with you anyway. The duration of the camping trip will be four days and three nights, and will be held on the second of January to the fifth of January. It isn't compulsory, but everyone will have a chance to go, and I suggest, for those failing my class, to attend this camp because it'll help to pull your grades up. The entire level of Juniors will be going, but we'll be splitting them into four groups. All of you here taking my Wednesday fifth period gym class will be under Class A."

I tune out as Coach rambles on about the activities we'll be doing and how we're to hand the forms up by the next gym lesson, where he'd give those going, the packing list, as well as additional information.

I'm not going. My mind was made up from the start about this. No fucking way am I going to spend three whole days in some camp with other kids, having to let them see me without makeup, and having to sleep in a tent together. I'd have no privary, no alcohol, and no means to self harm if I get the urge to.

"...please take note that this is not what I'd call a studying camp. You won't be going to boring museums or war sites. We'll have fun activities like swimming and canoeing and campfires. Keep that in mind before you reject going."

This didn't make a difference to me. Swimming just meant that I wouldn't have makeup on and my cuts and scars would be exposed.

I sit by the side as the talk ends and we launch into a game of volleyball. My eyes train on Devonne as she spikes the ball and hits a girl on the other team with it. Her team ends up winning. Of course. Devonne wins everything in sports.

At the end of the lesson, after I've changed back into my normal clothes, I'm called to the side by the coach after I've stepped out of the locker room.

He crosses his arms over his chest, and I already know this isn't going to be good. "Are you thinking about going for the camp?"

"No, sir," I answer honestly. "I just don't think it's suitable for me."

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