[15] Indigo

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I have to work fast. Figure out why Devonne hates me so much now before we return to Britain. I don't think I could ever stop thinking about her if I didn't try to settle things here.

First, though, I have to act happy around my cousin Lucas now. He'll definitely be watching me, and I'm going to have to deliver if I want to be able to stay in America.

When we reach home, the first thing I notice is the extra car in the parking lot. A Bentley. Our family only owns Rolls Royce cars.

Zack opens my door for me. "Go through the back door and clean up. I'll tell them you're getting your books out of the car."

I sprint towards the back door, but I can't stop myself from continuously looking furtively over my shoulder in the unlikely event that Kayleigh makes an appearance. I don't trust her, and God knows how much she can push me to do.

When I enter the house, I dart into the first bathroom down the hall and turn the tap off. After quickly taking off and reapplying my makeup, I run out the back door and enter the front door, where I follow the sound of voices to the informal dining room. We have three; one for just our family, a semi-formal one for small parties, and a large formal one for my father and his business partners.

"There you are, Kenzie," my father addresses me in a clipped tone as he gestures towards a chair. "Have a seat."

Lucas, who's really tall and has shaggy brown hair almost down to his shoulders, as well as a nose piercing, smiles at me when I take my seat. "It's good to see you again, Kenz."

"You too."

"Lucas will be attending school with you," my father butts in again. "You both will take the limo to and from school everyday. I expect you to show him around the school and get him familiarized. Is that okay?"

To and from school. He'll see Kayleigh. Devonne. Everything and everybody that I've been trying to hide. "Yeah, sure, cool."

Later that day, I find out that Lucas' room is right across the hall from mine. Naturally. He's also forever popping into my room, asking me stuff about our school. He's there when I'm trying to start on my homework, he's there when I step out of the bathroom after showering, he's there right before I'm about to sleep.

Five hours, and I'm already starting to get tired of this boy.

The next day isn't any better. After crying myself to sleep the night before, I wake up cranky and exhausted, only to be greeted by Lucas minutes after I've woken up. "Come on, Kenzie! Uncle Chris wants us downstairs for breakfast."

I throw a pillow at his face, which he dodges neatly before sitting on my bed.

I rub a hand over my face as I lie back down in bed, closing my eyes. "Ever heard of knocking?"

Lucas gives a laugh before he flops onto the bed beside me, pulling the covers over himself. "Nope. What's that? A disease? Is that what made your eyes so red?"

So my eyes are red from last night. Just my luck.

Then, there's a knock on my door, and I sigh. "See, that's a knock." Then I raise my voice louder. "Come in!"

The door opens and shuts quietly, but I don't open my eyes, expecting it to be the butler. "What?"

"Is this a bad time?"

I jerk into a sitting position at the sound of her voice. It isn't particularly friendly, but not necessarily harsh. Self conscious, I quickly run a hand through my messy hair. Devonne's here. And I'm makeupless, my hair is a huge tangled nest, and my eyes are swollen from all the crying I did. In comparison to the neat ponytail Devonne's blonde hair is in, the light makeup she has on, and the fancy jumper she's wearing, I look terrible.

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