Chapter 13

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Harry just watches at the chair that's lying on the floor, the chair where Louis used to be on. He feels a pang going through his chest.

"What's wrong with him?" Keirsey looks at the scene confusing, not knowing about how Harry and Louis were so close the passed few days.

"It's nothing. I'll have a look. Don't worry about it." Danielle sighs, putting down her drink. She can't imagine how Louis is doing and feeling now. The boy must be utterly broken.

"Lou..." Danielle enters the room that she's sharing with the boys and Taylor.

"Don't, Danielle. Please just leave me alone." Danielle barely can make out Louis' voice, it being so soft and hoarse, filled with pain.

"Tell me what you feel. Come on, babes. Talk to me."

"Like you don't know what I feel." Louis snaps. "You fucking know how I feel. It's like my heart has been ripped open, shattered in a billion pieces. I thought we were doing alright. We were getting closer and... doing stuff. How could I be so fucking stupid? It will never be me in his eyes, not anymore. He just fucking used me for his own needs and now that he knows that he can have Kei he just... Fuck." Louis can't finish his sentence, loud sobs leaving his mouth.

"Come here." Danielle pulls Louis in a hug, letting the boy cry in her chest. "It will be alright, sweetie. You'll be okay."

"It hurts so much. I can feel it, Danielle. It's worse than the first time. My heart physically hurts. My chest... I can't." Louis' voice is high, he is not talking nor screaming, something in between. "I can't handle this again. Stop it. Make it stop."

Danielle feels her own heart breaking when she looks at the heartbroken boy in her arms. She has seen Louis in the beginning of their relationship miserable as well, but it's nothing compared to how he is acting now.

"I can't make it stop, love. But I can be here for you, yeah. I always am. Love you, Lou." She kisses Louis' hair as she rocks him, trying to calm him down.

"I knew this would happen again. I should have never agreed to this friends with benefits thing."

"Friends with benefits? Oh, babes..." Danielle whispers, playing with his hair. "Why, love?"

"Deep down I hoped that he still felt the same, still loved me. At least I know now that's not the case. Can you just... I know you told me that you don't want to closet me anymore but... Please help me out, Dani. I can't just... Please act with me again."

Danielle thinks about it.

It's not like she minds being in a fake relationship with Louis. She doesn't mind being physical with him like kisses and hand holding. Louis is not an ugly guy and they are really good friends.

She also doesn't have anyone on the island with who she really clicks in a romantic way. She has shared some kisses with Demi, but that was pure out of sexual frustration. She knows that both of them don't really like like each other.

Louis could use the help. The first time Danielle thought that he was being over dramatic, but the situation has changed and she really wants to help Louis out. He's her best friend.

"Alright, I'll be your beard again while we're here. But I don't think it's the best solution. You can be honest with Harry. You guys have been sexually active together and I think you have the right to tell him that what he has done now, hurts you."

Louis shakes his head.

"I'm not going to tell him that, I'm not going to show him I'm weak. He wants to be with Kei? Totally fine, really. With you by my side I can survive this."

Danielle and Louis talk for a bit more, both changing into their pyjamas. They are not planning to go back to the others.

Louis shares more about the relationship he had with Harry in the past, comparing to the one they have now, making Danielle understand the pain he is going through. Danielle just shakes her head when Louis says that they never discussed their break up, giving Louis the advice she has been giving since day one.


Their conversation gets interrupted by a knock on the door.


Louis' heart stops beating. That voice always knows how to control Louis' entire body.

"Yes, Harry." Louis tries to sound as indifferent as possible.

He is not going to show that he cares about his new relationship with Kei, he is not going to fight him. He is just going to be friendly, that's it.

No more hugging, snuggling into each other at night, laughing, joking, talking. It's all over.

Harry has Kei now to do that stuff with.

Harry enters the room and Danielle moves to her own bed, putting in headphones to give the boys some privacy.

"You're here. I missed you." Harry falls into bed, only a few centimetres from Louis. Louis can smell the alcohol on him.

"I beg to differ. You have Kei now, don't you?"

Louis didn't mean to sound so bitter, but he definitely did.

"He asked me to change rooms."

Yeah go on Harry, break Louis' heart even more.

"I told him not yet." He continues. "Can't just leave you here, Lou. I promised we would share without Kei." Harry snuggles closer to Louis, but Louis moves, keeping distance from the boy.

"You chose to start something with him officially, Harry. You shouldn't think about me now. Go to him, I don't care."

Oh Louis Tomlinson, you're such a liar.

"Louis, you don't mean that." Harry crawls over to Louis, his lips pressing on Louis' neck.

"Stop it, Harry!" Louis snaps, carefully pushing the boy away. "This is not going to happen."

"But I'm not together with him! Louis I don't want to stop what we are having!"

"I'm not just a sex doll, Harry. You can't just use me when you need to get off. Horny? Go to Kei. You made that decision, not me. It's good by the way that you made it. I would like to try with Danielle again but our friends with benefits thing kind of stopped me." Louis lies smoothly.

"Try again with Danielle?" Harry's eyes are a darker shade of green.

"Yes." Louis turns his head, not being able to lie straight into Harry's face.

"Fine. I'm packing my stuff, I'm out of here. You don't want to be close to me anymore just because of a relationship that's not even there yet? Fucking fine, Louis. I have been surviving the past one and a half year without you."

Harry grabs his bag after he has thrown everything in it. He leaves Louis, dropping his bag in front of his new room and goes for a walk.

This time he messed up for real.

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