Chapter 36

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Guys I feel my writing getting shittier and shittier and I'm so sorry about it.

I'm just so stressed about school and I'm having breakdowns it's just all a bit too much. I have a lot of pressure on me.

I hope you do enjoy the chapter a little bit and I promise I'll get better again.

All the love, S. 

"Louis I swear...."

"No, just no. I can't believe you! I didn't even stay away for an hour, Harry! Not even a fucking hour and here is Kei almost sitting on your fucking lap. You are unbelievable, that's what you are." Louis snaps. His actions are leaded by anger, jealousy and hurt.

"But nothing happened! You have to believe me. You are the one going with Eleanor!" Harry argues back. He hasn't done anything wrong. If there is someone wrong in this situation then it's Louis for going with Eleanor while Harry made really clear he didn't want that.

"Oh so that's why you did it? Only because I went out with El? That's just fucking childish. You know I had to go from the tablet of terror." Louis' arms are crossed and he gives the younger boy an angry look.

Seeing Kei leaning in and Harry just sitting there hurt him so much. Would Harry actually let the boy kiss him? Would he really be able to break Louis' heart like that again?

"I didn't do anything. Again, Louis. You looked pretty eager to go with her. It's nothing new, though. I have always known that you actually enjoy spending time with her. Otherwise you wouldn't have followed her like a puppy an hour ago. You knew it hurt me and you did it anyway." Harry's eyes are tearing but he won't let it show.

"Harry I don't think that..." El wants to say something but Louis interrupts her.

"No El, don't say anything. Let's just listen to Harry how the poor boy is hurt, how I hurt him. Well, if that hurt you I'm going to be honest and tell you that seeing you with Kei like this hurt me as well."

"I didn't fucking do anything, Louis!" Harry screams out in frustration. "I am not in the wrong here! You are! You went with Eleanor while I begged you not to do it. It breaks my heart and you fucking know it! I didn't do anything with Kei!"

"You also didn't push him away from you, did you? You gave him the chance to lean in and you shouldn't have let him." Louis is so pissed. The image of the earlier days where Harry and Kei were kissing are playing in his head and it drives him paranoid.

"I gave him a chance? What the fuck did you want me to do, Louis?"

"Punch him in the face! I don't know, Harry! Not just fucking let him!" Louis hasn't been so angry in a while and he really just wants to break something.

"Not everybody is as violent as you are, Louis."

"Oh, so you're calling me violent now? Is that what I am? A violent person?" Louis can feel his heart thighten in his chest, it literally hurts so much. His Harry is calling him violent.

"Louis, I..."

"Did I ever touch you with one finger?" Louis' eyes are going through Harry's skull, burning his soul down.

"No you never did but..."

"Did I ever make you feel unsafe?" he asks again, using the same tone.

"No, but..."

"You don't have the right to call me violent, Harry Styles. You know very well why. I have done nothing but being protective over you and if I ever used violence it was for protecting you. I can't believe you have the nerve to call me that."

And Harry can really punch himself in the face. He knows how sensitive the violence topic is for Louis since his real father used to beat up his mother. He has always been scared of being becoming him and Harry calling him violent is one of the most hurtful things the younger boy could say.

"I didn't mean it, Louis I'm sorr..."

"Save it. Fuck you, Styles. First of all Kei, now this. And you are pissed because I went with my friend El?"

"How can I know that you are just friends, Louis? She has always been interested in you!" Harry tries to defend himself.

"Because you have to fucking trust me like I trust you with Taylor! It's exactly the same! Don't you think it hurts me when I see the two of you together? Don't you think I remember all the stunts? But you know what's the difference, Harry? I never put that pressure on you, not now, not in the past, of cutting her off. I never liked her but I always trusted you enough that It's an only friends thing. I never made you feel sorry for hanging out with her like you do to me when I'm with El because I knew it wasn't your mistake. But it also was never my mistake, Harry!" Louis is shaking now, the final things that have been playing in his head for years leaving his mouth.

"I... Louis...."

"Save it. For real, Harry, just fucking save it. You didn't have the fucking right to be angry about El after how supportive I have been towards your friendship with Taylor. You have to trust me as well. I wasn't the one ever breaking your trust, Harry. I remember things going the other way around."

And Harry feels guilty, really guilty, but right now he is too stubborn to admit that he was wrong. He wasn't wrong in the case about Kei, because he really didn't do anything, but he was wrong about all the other things with Louis.

He was wrong about acting like this about Louis and Eleanor hanging out.

"Where are you going, Louis?" Harry looks at the smaller boy who is leaving his sight.

"I'm grabbing some stuff. I'm sleeping in the living room tonight. I need some space from you."

And Harry's heart literally breaks in a billion pieces when Louis says those words.

He needs space, he doesn't want to be with Harry. They have an actual serious fight going on.

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