Chapter 21

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Enjoy my loves xoxo

A few hours later Louis wakes up from his nap. Refusing to open his eyes, he turns around, wanting to hug the boy that's lying down next to him.

But when Louis wants to put his arm around him, he feels that the bed is empty. His eyes fly open and he looks around, trying to find the curly haired boy.

"Haz? Hazza?"

Panic is flowing through Louis veins.

It's impossible that Harry has left him, right? He wouldn't do that again.

"Harry are you here?" Louis' voice starts to shake.

"Baby?" the older boy feels lost, not knowing where his love has gone.

Louis feels tears coming up. What if Harry has changed his mind? What if he doesn't want to wait for Louis and just moved back to Kei?

"Lou? Are you alright? I could hear you from the hallway." Harry comes back with a tray in his hands, but when he sees Louis he puts it on the small table next to him, catching Louis as the smaller boy jumps in his arms.

"You're here. Oh my god, you're still here." Louis says, face buried in Harry's neck. He can't help but cry from relief.

"Hey, of course I'm here, baby. I was just out to make you some chicken soup, want you to eat something. You haven't eaten anything all day. I'm here, Lou. I promise, always here."

Louis takes some distance, wiping away his tears.

"God, I'm sorry for being dramatic. It's always extra when I'm sick. I'm sorry, Haz."

Harry smiles softly, but pain is written in his eyes.

Louis is scared that Harry will leave again. He doesn't trust that Harry will stay.

"I get it. You're not overdramatic. Go sit down, don't want your soup to get cold."

Louis does as Harry says and the younger boy puts the tray of food on Louis' lap.

"I'm sorry." Harry says when Louis is eating his soup.

"Why are you saying sorry? The soup is amazing." Louis smiles before putting the spoon in his mouth again.

"I'm sorry that my mistakes brought you at the point that you don't believe I will stay by your side forever. I messed up your trust and it hurts me because I can see it hurts you so much."

Louis puts the tray on the bedside table and grabs the curly boy in his arms, his fingers tangled in Harry's hair, like always.

"You've apologised for what happened. You don't need to do that anymore. My trust issues is not only something that you will have to work on but me too, Hazza. But we're figuring things out, yeah? It's not going to be 100% fine in one day, but we're on the right way. You took care of me today, totally loved it and thank you. The soup was amazing and I feel that the meds are helping already a bit. I still feel like shit, but less, thanks to you." Louis grabs Harry's hand, caressing it with his thumb.

"You're welcome. I always want to help you and I intend to be there for you every single second of your life." Harry rests his head on Louis' shoulder, putting a smile on the older boy's face.

"I really like the sound of that. Now, want to cuddle and talk?" Louis takes the blanket and puts it up, signing to Harry to get under it.

Harry obeys and takes place next to Louis. The older boy immediately puts his arms around the younger one, his fingers tracing over Harry's back as his head is resting on the bunch of curls.

"What's your favourite thing that happened in the last one and a half year?" Louis starts the conversation, voice still sounding bad from the throat ache.

"Don't get it the wrong way, but I really enjoyed being free to sing what I want. It was nice to create my own songs and actually bring them myself. It's not that I don't enjoy the band, I can't wait to be back, but being solo gives you some kind of freedom. I feel that I can be more who I really am now."

"You can." Louis nods. "Don't think I haven't noticed your painted nails. I still think they make you beautiful. I'm proud of you, Haz. The painted nails, outfits, coming out even though it's fake, you've come so far."

"Wish you were by my side along the way." Harry whispers, fighting his tears. "It would all mean so much more. I'm not me without you."

Louis ignores his stinging eyes and he moves his fingers to Harry's curls, twirling some of them around his fingers.

"Wish I was there as well. I'll be from now on if you let me. I think you should doing solo stuff, even if we are back together with the band. I haven't heard one of your songs properly yet, but I've seen you on magazines and you look fucking stunning, Haz. Also the success that you have, couldn't escape you those months, even if I tried. If you weren't on some billboard, you were on my bloody radio." Louis laughs, making Harry laugh as well.

"What have you been doing?" Harry asks, looking up so he can see Louis' perfect face.

"Except for fake dating Danielle? Well I went to the set of The Originals with her from time to time, but that was in New Orleans, and I wanted to be with my family as well, so I travelled a lot between those two. I've been writing some music but I don't plan on bringing it out yet. I'm not as talented as you are. My voice isn't as strong."

"You're talking bullshit." Harry says immediately. "Your voice is amazing and you sing incredibly. Don't talk yourself down just because management does. Management also said that we could never make it, and look at us now, figuring things out. Don't listen to anything they say. I know you play tough in front of me, my love. You don't have to, it's only me. You can cry in front of me, you can talk about your insecurities and problems. I'll always listen to you as well, Lou. And I feel that I didn't say that enough in the past.

You don't need to act all tough, it's not only you protecting me, I'm there as well for you. I'm going to protect you. I'm never leaving you alone with management. I'm not letting anyone put you down. If you let me I can be your safe haven, Lou. You don't have to be the strongest one all the time. I can see it in your eyes when you are hurting. I don't mind being the big spoon from time to time. You are my rock, Louis but I want you to know that I can be yours as well and I'm not going to leave you."

Louis rolls over to Harry, his face hidden in the crook of the taller boys' neck. Harry can feel the hot tears on his neck, and he soothingly rubs Louis back.

Louis can't help but let it all out. For the first time he is crying in someone's arms, not the other way around.

Losing Harry, the hiatus, management fucking him up, fake dating, his mother's death, Harry with Kei, having Harry back, it's all too much. It's like his tears are endless.

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