Chapter 37

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Written in English class again :)


Louis can't sleep, and the uncomfortable couch is not the only reason.

It's four in the morning and can't stop thinking about a certain curly lad.

His curly lad

They have to work better on their issues. They can't keep letting jealousy having the upper hand in their relationship and Louis realises he is guilty as well. Their fight is now mainly his mistake and he is figuring out how he can make it up to his boyfriend.

He takes the little box out of his bag and puts it in his hand, opening it and admiring the silver ring in it. He still remembers the day he bought it and the happiness he felt when he thought about spending life forever with Harry.

He still feels exactly the same.


Louis jumps up when he hears a voice and he quickly puts the ring box in his bag again.

The older boy goes immediately soft when he sees the boy in front of him. Harry is standing in front of him, eyes read and cheeks wet from shed tears.

"Hazza..." Louis whipsers, making eye contact with his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, Louis. I miss you. Can we talk, please?" Harry sobs.

Louis' heart breaks. He can't have his baby cry. It's the worst thing ever.

"Come here, baby." Louis moves and puts his blanket aside. Harry walks towards the couch and sits down, immediately being pulled in Louis' arms and attacked by kisses in his chocolate curls.

"I'm so sorry my baby." Louis' hand goes through Harry's curls. "I'm so sorry for acting like a jealous dick again. I just went nuts when I saw you with Kei. I'm learning but I still need to get better on controlling my jealousy. I promise I trust you. I know you haven't done anything. It's just... Losing you is still my biggest fear, Hazza." Louis cries silently. "I can't handle it a second time. I always thought you were dependent on me but in the end it's me who can't go without you."

"I can't go without you either, Lou." Harry whispers, grabbing Louis' hand. "Just remember that. I love you so fucking much. When I saw you leaving with Eleanor..." Harry stops talking because of the lump in his throat.

"I still think about the articles where you say you love her, the pictures where you kiss her, being pulled away because I couldn't even share a car with the two of you. I don't want it again, Lou. It hurts so fucking much. I can't handle the hiding anymore. I don't want it anymore. I'm just so tired of the hiding and the beards, the jealousy. I just want to be yours, Louis. I'm so tired."

Louis kisses Harry's salty tears and pulls him on his lap.

"You're mine, baby. Don't worry, okay? It won't be easy but we will make it. We can't let something like tonight happen anymore though. I was in the wrong too, we were both in the wrong, and I promise I won't hang out with Eleanor anymore because I know how it makes you feel but I had to. You will understand later, my love."

"She's so pretty...." Harry whispers. "And I remember Simon telling me that the two of you looked perfect together. He used to say I was just a phase, that you weren't gay. I used to push those thoughts away but seeing her again made me doubt everything while my heart knows so very well that you love me just like I love you. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did but I also still have to learn, Lou. I am so sorry."

And Louis can feel his blood boiling.

He is going to ruin Simon.

"We're both sorry, baby. It's alright though. I've forgiven you. Forgive me too, please." Louis' forehead is leaning against Harry.

"Of course, love. I'm so scared. Everything is so scary, Louis. What's going to happen to us? We're going to be stuck again with Simon. He is going to rule us again and..."

Louis stops his boyfriend from freaking out.

"He's not. I'm not letting him. We're winning this, Haz."

And right there and then Louis takes a decision.

He wishes he could have done this on the beach, surrounded by rose petals and some soft music in the background, or on the top of a beautiful mountain with the most beautiful view, under the Eiffel tower,...

But he knows that this is not about the setting. It's about the meaning. It feels right. It will bring them both at ease, a kind of reassurance they are not fighting for nothing.

Louis stretches out his arm and grabs in his bag. Harry's face is hidden in the crook of his neck. Louis breathes in deeply.

This is the moment he has been waiting for, for 1,5 years. It's going to be official.

"Hazza..." Louis whispers, his hand going through his curls. "I have a plan, okay? And you have to trust me. We will make it. I love you so much and I want to spend my whole life with you. Can you look at me, baby?"

Harry removes his head from Louis' neck and looks into his favourite pair of blue eyes, but he gasps when he sees a little velvet box in his boyfriend's hand.

Louis opens the box, showing the silver for the first time to his boyfriend.

"This ring is a promise, Harry. It's a promise that we are going to make it. I want that every time we are going through a rough patch or have to fight something or someone, you look at the ring and smile, knowing that we will be husbands before you know it because we have loved each other since we laid eyes on one another and we will keep loving each other till the end of time. At least if you want to marry me, Harry Styles."

And the sad tears become happy ones, a big smile on Harry's face.

"You still want to marry me?" Harry asks full unbelief. "You still want to stay with me for the rest of your life after I messed up?"

"We were kids, Harry. We fell for each other while everybody told us we couldn't, and look at us, we're still here. We've gone through a very rough patch but our hearts still beat for one another right? If we could survive them as kids, I'm sure we can now as well. I love you too much to give up.

I want to marry you, even though it won't be easy. Our journey will be hard and we will have a lot of people judging us. We'll have to fight Simon and management but Harry I am willing to give up everything just so I can be free, free to love you."

"I want that." Harry whispers, tears streaming down his face. "I really want this. I want us. I don't care about easy or hard. We can do this, Lou. We're going to marry."

And Louis' heart is racing in his chest as he is putting the ring around Harry's finger.

The younger boy looks at it, his heart warming.

"We're going to make it." 

Ex on the beach {Larry Stylinson}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang