Chapter 23

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Enjoy my loves. I'm a bit drunk, bcs my friend has her birthday, but I hope it's still readable hahahaha!

The next day Louis is feeling a bit better, not 100 % healthy, but enough to join the others outside. Harry is sitting on his lap and their fingers are intertwined, Louis' head resting on Harry's shoulder. He still feels a bit weak and tired.

"So Larry is back?" Demi smiles, giving a drink to both boys.

"We're working on it. We don't want to rush anything." Harry answers, not wanting that Louis talks too much. He has to take care for his throat.

"That's good." The ex-Disney star nods. "I've seen the two of you as friends and you already got my heart. Hope you are going to make it out, but I'm sure you will."

"Me too. We talked about some things in the past and before our break we were already good but I think now we'll be even better." Louis says, his voice cracking after some words.

"Let me get you some tea, Lou. Also, you can't talk too much. Take care about your throat. Have you taken your medication? I'll get it from the room." Harry stands up from Louis' lap.

"Thanks, Hazza." Louis says softly, trying to save his throat.

Harry doesn't say anything, just gives him the sweetest smile before walking to his room to get Louis' medication.

After Harry got it, he walks over to the bar. He is making some tea for the love of his life.

"So are you planning to just ignore me?"

Harry sighs when he hears someone talking to him.

"That's the plan, Kei." Harry doesn't look up, focused on pouring the boiling water in a mug.

"You owe me at least an explanation, Harry. We were doing good. I don't really understand what's going on. We kiss on our first date, have a good time in general, you move to my room and now suddenly all you want is Louis. Is it out of guilt? Are you scared to lose fans that are Larry shippers or something? We could work, Harry!" Kei puts his finger under Harry's chin, making the younger boy look into his eyes.

"I love Louis. That's all you need to know. I don't owe you anything else. Just because we kissed and I shared a bed with you doesn't mean we had a relationship. You were never my boyfriend oh and please explain me why everybody thinks I slept with you?"

"We can start again, H, forget about all this. Come on, love." Kei puts his arm around Harry's waist and the curly lad cringes.

"Don't touch me."

"Are you together with Louis?"

"Not yet, doesn't mean you get to touch me."

"If you don't want something serious we can at least have some fun. That's what this show is about, no?"

"You're making me feel uncomfortable. I want Louis, only Louis. Please leave me alone."


"He said to leave him alone." Both boys turn their heads if they hear a cracking voice.

"You already pissed me off." Louis spits. "But now you make me fucking angry."

And as usual all the cameras are there, and the rest of the group surrounds Louis, Harry and Kei.

"Don't be like this, Louis. You're just playing with him, acting like there might be a chance the two of you get together. If that's really what you wanted you wouldn't have ignored him and kissed everybody around here. Who was it? Bill, Dove, Danielle? You were grinding on Demi as well, weren't you? Really sounds like a boy that's madly in love and wants to fix his relationship."

Louis starts to shake, the boy being extra emotional because he's sick.

Normally Harry would focus now on how to destroy Kei, but he knows that Louis needs him and Kei isn't worth a second of his time.

"Don't listen to him, Lou. I know your intentions. I know what happened. He wasn't there when we had our conversation." Harry strokes Louis' hair, holding the boy in his arms.

"I'm sorry I did that. It really looks like I don't love you. God I'm so stupid, I'm sorry Haz."

"Keep them. It's alright, baby. I know you love me, and I love you too very much baby. Don't listen to anyone. We both made mistakes and we're leaving them behind us. We're working on us. Don't listen to any other voice then mine okay? That's a deal we have to make. I only listen to you, you listen to me. No management, no Simon, no toxic people, just us baby okay? They are not going to ruin us again, I'm not letting it happen."

Danielle and Taylor look at the two boys with tears in their eyes, knowing what they have been through.

"Don't you dare to talk to them, about them, or even think about them." Danielle hisses. "If you don't know shit then stay the fuck out of it."

"Just because you dated them doesn't mean you know more. Harry and I were basically dating as well."

"Do I need to buy you some braincells? Haven't you paid attention? The only two that have dated are Harry and Louis! We were only beards. The only person they ever loved, still love, is each other. I explained you once, Kei and I will say it one last time: you will never win the battle of Harry's heart. It's Louis'. Now stop ruining the mood and let them work on their relationship without you making unnecessary drama. They are my friends and I'm not letting anyone hurt them."

"But I'm in love with Harry!" Kei has tears in his eyes, hands in his hair. "God, I've been fanboying forever and then he was here and we kissed. I am madly in love with him. Harry... I love you." Kei turns to Harry, watching the curly lad with watery eyes.

Harry feels Louis clenching and he automatically pushes the boy closer to him.

"I love Louis. I want to say I'm sorry but I'm not. I love my small bean. He's everything and he is willing to give me another chance, to work on us, and it's everything I want. I don't love you Kei, never did. I have only loved one person and I still do."

An awkward silence between them, until Kei speaks up.

"You will regret this, Harry. I will show you that I'm the better option and you'll leave Louis in a heartbeat."

"Not going to happen. Been in love with him since 2010, will never stop."

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