Chapter 24

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Are you all watching Eurovision as well?

Belgium just went and I think we did okay but we never get through with this show so I'm not hoping hahahaha.

Sweden was fucking good though! I need them to get through!

The people, the cameras, the screaming, the pain, Louis' pounding head, he can't deal with it anymore. Louis escapes from Harry's arms.

"I can't do this." His voice cracks and goes away, running towards his room. He falls in his bed, pulling the blankets over his head. So yeah maybe Louis is extra dramatic because he still feels sick, but it's how he feels and he doesn't want people around him, also not the one person he loves.

"Lou?" Harry walks in the room and takes place on the bed next to him, but Louis doesn't move and stays hidden under the blankets.

"Louis please talk to me. What's wrong? You promised me we would always talk when something's up. Come on, baby."

Louis takes the blanket off him, showing his face that's wet from tears.

"What's wrong, my love?" Harry wants to take Louis' hand but the older boy pulls away.

"I'm okay."

"Scream at me."

Louis raises his eyebrow, giving the curly lad in front of him a weird look.

"I don't want to scream at you, Haz. I just need some time alone, I'm sorry."

"You'll feel better. Louis, there are clearly still some emotions that you buckle up. There are still some things bothering you. Scream them at me, then I'll leave you on your own."

"I'm so fucking scared." Louis starts hesitating. "I'm so fucking scared that you leave me again."

"Tell me. Tell me everything. Your insecurities, your fears, your emotions. Come on, Lou. I don't break. Scream it in my face."

"I'm afraid because Kei loves you as well and you guys kissed! You wanted to try things with him while we were sleeping together. You picked him over me and now he told you that he loves you and I'm terrified that you will see that he is better for you then I am!

I'm scared that I will never trust you like I did, that you will leave me again and I won't take it.

You weren't there, Harry! You weren't there when I needed you while I was always by your side! And I'm not angry at you anymore. I couldn't even if I wanted to! But I'm terrified!

And all the things that Kei said about me being with Danielle and Dove and... I wanted to hurt you, Harry and that's something I would never want but I was so jealous and hurting and... I am still hurting! I love you so much and I mean that I want to work on us. There is nothing more that I want than working on us but I'm terrified that we will go wrong. I can't handle us going wrong." Louis is screaming at Harry and when he is finished Harry just hugs him, holding the boy close to his body.

"We're not going to talk about it now. I'm going to let you rest. I love you. Can I come to you again later today or do you want to stay alone? I can sleep on a sunbed if you want..."

"Please not. I just want to take a nap. I am so sorry what I said. I don't want to hurt you. I love you too, Haz. Please come back? I want to spend the evening with you after I wake up. Only if you want to of course..."

Harry kisses Louis' head and puts the blanket over Louis' body.

"Take rest. We'll talk about everything later. Don't worry about it now, just close those pretty blue eyes."

Louis blushes but does close his eyes as Harry told him. Harry stays until he hears Louis' breathing getting even and then he leaves the room.

It's a few hours later when Louis wakes up.

"Hi there, sleepy head! Harry told me to remind you to take your medicine."

"Where's Harry?" Louis mumbles to his best friend.

"Take your medicine first, Louis. I have orders to follow."

Louis grabs the pills from his bedside table together with the bottle of water and takes them.

"Now wear at least a shirt and some shorts. Harry told me to make sure you don't leave in a t-shirt as you might get cold."

"Harry has told you a lot but where is he?" Louis asks while stealing Harry's purple sweater.

"Miss him already Lou?" Danielle teases.

Louis blushes.

"So what if I do? It's just that we need to talk. I screamed a bunch of stuff at him earlier. Don't give me that look, he told me to do that!" Louis looks for his pair of flipflops but he can't find his second one.

"Why did you scream at him?"

"He told me to and honestly it helped. It was everything that's still on my mind. But tell me where he is, Danielle."

Danielle looks at her watch.

"You woke up earlier than expected."

"That's not an answer, Danielle!"

"You don't have to be afraid of Kei by the way." Danielle says while playing with her hair, ignoring Louis' question about Harry. "I know you. I've seen your face and reactions. You were running away like you always do from your problems. You don't have to, Lou. Kei is not a problem."

"You don't know that. He went over to him first. They kissed. He chose him too when we were sleeping. He is good looking, Dani. He can actually be with him. He doesn't have to hide. I'm hard to be with. I should save him from that, from the hard life. He is doing so good without me. His career, he is out,..."

"I don't think it's up to you to decide that, Louis. If Harry wants you then it's not up to you to decide that he can't fight for it. You can only decide that if you don't want him. Is that the case?"

Louis shakes his head.

"I love him. I want him. I also want to protect him..."

"Well stop that. Harry isn't sixteen anymore, Louis. He can make his own decisions and if he decides to love you and fight for you, it's not up to you to protect him from yourself. You are good for him. He was arguing with Kei when you slept."

"What did he say?" Louis bites his fingernails.

"That it will always be you, Louis. I know that you are scared and you don't have to fall right back into his arms but if you think it will never be okay between the two of you, you should tell him now. Because he is willing to go a one hundred percent for you."

"I see us work. I need us to work. Now, tell me where he is Danielle."

Danielle smiles and nods.

"Follow me."

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