Chapter 27

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Here is another one because Simu finally gives me the attention I deserve. 

Louis and Danielle are sitting around the pool, enjoying a nice fresh drink.

Harry and Taylor are in the pool, splashing, laughing and joking. Although Louis is still not a big fan of Taylor, and he very much just wants Harry for himself, he doesn't say a word.

"You're okay Lou?" Danielle asks after taking a sip from her drink.

"I'm good." He turns around to face his friend.

"If it bothers you, you can tell him you know." Danielle notices immediately what the problem is, but Louis shakes his head.

"We're taking it slow because I'm learning how to trust him again. Taylor has not made a move and only has been kind towards us. I don't have a reason to feel the way I do. I don't want to be the jealous boyfriend like I used to be, not all the time at least. I mean yeah jealousy is in my blood okay and I hate other people touching my Harry, but I should be fine with Taylor and I should trust my Hazza. If I don't trust him, we'll never be fine and that's the one thing that I really want."

Danielle smiles at her best friend.

"I'm proud of you, Louis. You are growing and being so mature. Maybe the break wasn't a bad thing. Both of you had the chance to mature and sometimes time apart helps you to get stronger."

"It hurt like a bitch, Dani. It better make us stronger or I'm bloody pissed. I still have a ring at home that's supposed to be on that beauty's finger."

"You still have it?" Danielle's eyes go wide and her mouth drops.

"Of course. I bought that ring with a reason, Danielle. I mean not that I'm planning to give it to him next week, but I am planning to give it to him the second that we are in a healthy, stable relationship again."

"You're an angel, Louis. Harry should be happy that you give him another chance. Anyone should be if they find someone that loves them like you love Harry."

"Yeah, Harry loves me like that as well. It's pretty amazing."

"Stop being cute I'm single you bitch."

Louis laughs loud and takes a sip of his coke, ignoring the looks he is getting from Kei and Kiersey who are clearly gossiping about him next to the bar.

"Who's that?" Louis points at a blond girl standing with Bill and Demi.

"Keri, Bill's ex. You two were on your own fucking planet yesterday that you didn't even notice her arrival you loser." Danielle shakes her head, moving her pair of sunglasses from her hair to her nose.

"Don't blame me for being at a better place. Okay, answer me honestly. Do I look like the jealous boyfriend if I join them? I really miss him but I also don't want to look needy."

Danielle chuckles.

"Just go over to him. I'm going over to Demi anyways. We made out yesterday you know."

"You did??? Do you like her?"

Danielle blushes and looks down.

"I mean, she is Demi Lovato. She's hot. I don't know if I really like her like that, but I'm definitely attracted."

"I'm glad for you, babes. You deserve the best. Now go use your flirting skills on her."

Danielle fondly rolls her eyes and moves towards the bar while Louis goes to the pool. He doesn't go to where Harry and Taylor are playfighting, deciding that he wants to give Harry some space.

His legs are surrounded by the water but he still sits on the side, enjoying the sun on his back and the coolness of the water. He leans back and closes his eyes, just relaxing.

But that gets quickly interrupted by someone pulling his legs, making the smaller boy fall in the water. A loud shriek leaves his lips.

Normally he would be pissed, but it's impossible to be when Harry is in front of him, laughing like a five year old child pulling his first prank. Taylor just watches him, arms crossed and shakes her head laughing.

"Hazza!" Louis pouts

"I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. You were looking all hot like that so I decided to cool you down." Harry winks, waking up all the butterflies in Louis' stomach.

"I'll just leave you two." Taylor says, wanting to swim to the side of the pool.

"No, you should stay. I mean... We can talk I guess?" Louis says hesitantly. As much as he wants to have Harry to himself, he has to take the step to being more open. Harry is his, but he can have friends and his friends don't have to be all approved by Louis.

Taylor gives Louis a weird look but nods, breaking the ice by splashing the Doncaster boy.

"Oh you did not!" Louis says dangerously, splashing back.

The two of them have a whole water fight, not even noticing how fondly looks at them, looks at his boyfriend. His heart was already full of love, but now it's just overloaded.


An hour later they go out of the pool, getting something to eat and after Louis just wants to take a small nap. He's better, but the playing in the pool made him really tired. Harry follows him to the room and after the two of them have showered separately, they are in the bed.

Harry pulls Louis closer to him, kissing his forehead, his cheeks and finally his nose.

"I really love you." He whispers, his forehead resting against Louis'.

"Do you?" Louis asks challenging, his fingers going over Harry's bare chest.

"So fucking much. Instead of me showing how sorry I am, it's you showing that you even could be more amazing than I thought. What you did with Taylor today, talking to her, giving her a chance, Lou it means so much to me." Harry's green eyes are piercing through Louis' blue ones.

"I don't want us to be any kind of toxic. I mean, jealousy is normal, but not with people that you trust. If you trust Taylor I do as well. And I'm learning to trust you again and I think It's going pretty well. I just really love you and I want to work on this very badly. I don't want anyone else. I blamed everything too much on you while I also wasn't perfect.

I thought about everything Harry and the decision that you made is based on things I have done as well.

I thought I made you feel safe and I protected you, but I realise that most of the times I was just a jealous and possessive dick. I'm not only talking about Taylor but also about Nick, hell sometimes even Liam.

I am possessive when it comes to you and I am jealous, but I really want to work on my behaviour how I act around the people that you love and trust. I want to control it more."

"How did I deserve someone as perfect as you?" Harry is caressing Louis' face, his thumb rubbing his cheek.

Unless fucking Kei comes near you. I swear to god Hazza I will cut off his dick and throw it in the ocean."

Harry chuckles and shakes his head fondly.

"That sounds more like you, babe."

"Ugh, I'm sorry. I will never be able to completely hide it. You're my treasure, don't need anyone take it from me, not again." Louis hides his face in Harry's chest, pecking the bare skin before resting his head.

"Please don't hide it completely. It's hot and it's cute."

"Soon you'll be mine again, Hazza." Louis mumbles before closing his eyes, drifting to sleep.

"I already am."  

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