Chapter 16

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Thanks for all the support. I love all of you.

I tried to write, I honestly dont know if it's okay.

Louis can hear the horrible noise from his room. He rolls his eyes, not wanting to go outside, but he has to when that awful thing goes off.

"Let's go, Lou. We should go outside. Maybe it includes you." Danielle says while grabbing Louis' hand.

"It's better not for me. I'm not in the mood for anything." He groans.

"Come on now, babes. It can be something good."

Louis decides not to answer that; Nothing is going right over there, why would it this time be good then.

And when he is outside he can't help but stare at Harry. His eyes are red and swollen and a bad feeling is spread inside Louis' stomach. He could never stand to see the boy upset. It's his baby, hurt or not, Harry will always be Louis' baby.

"Should I read?" Demi asks, breaking the awkwardness between everybody. Bill, Kiersey and she must be the only ones not being involved in anything that's going on.

"Go for it." Bill nods, handing her the tablet.

Now that we know that the Larry ship was real al along, it's time to make it sail again.

Louis, Harry, pack your stuff. You are going on an overnight romantic boat trip.

All eyes are on both Harry and Louis, who both feel really uncomfortable.

"I... I don't know." Louis stutters. "I don't think I can do this."

Danielle puts her hand on Louis' shoulder.

"Lou, I know it's hard but it's the perfect chance to talk to Harry. You'll be alone, just the two of you."

Louis looks at Harry, who was already staring back at him.

"What do you think, Haz?" Louis' voice is shaking. Everybody must hear it.

"He's not going." Kei says before Harry can answer. "He is absolutely not going, right Harry?"

Harry looks at the tanned boy.

"I have to talk to Louis, I really have to."

"We have to talk as well, Harry. What about what's going on between us?"

"Do you act stupid or are you just stupid?" Taylor sighs. "For real, Kei. You're a good guy and I get that you like Harry, been there, still am, know how it hurts, but if you have eyes then you can see that just like me, you'll never win from Louis. Don't even try to fight that, tried it, went backwards."

Kei shakes his head, not wanting to believe the words Taylor is telling him, believing that the special bond he has with Harry can conquer anything.

"Harry, Louis is your ex for a reason. Babe, come on. Don't go." Kei pleads.

Louis doesn't say a word, being nervous about what Harry will decide.

He knows that Louis himself would always pick Harry in a heartbeat, hurt or not.

"We can talk later." Harry suggests. "The tablet say that I'm going to do this with Louis so I am."

"Kei is your boyfriend!" Kiersey comes in between, helping the boy that she is close to. "If he doesn't feel comfortable with you going, you shouldn't."

Louis feels himself getting smaller and smaller.

They are boyfriends?

"They are not together." Taylor rolls her eyes.


"They are working on things." Kiersey defends.

"That's not the same and don't come in between them! This is not about you or Kei. This is about Harry and Louis." Danielle groans.

"I swear to god, Harry. If you decide to go with him, we are so done. Then I'll pack your things and throw them again in Louis' room. It's me or him." Kei is shaking and his eyes are tearing.

Louis feels horrible. The thought about Harry saying out loud that he will pick Kei, breaks his heart.

"I'll always choose Louis." Harry whispers. "Always Louis." He says louder. "No one can come in between that, and I'll never have what I had with him. If you make me choose between yourself and him, you'll always lose. It's always Louis." Every word is getting louder and louder, bringing a proud smile on Taylor's face, a happy one on Danielle's and bringing tears to Louis' eyes.

Because he would always pick Harry as well.

"You're making a mistake, Harry. Don't forget that he is your ex and you probably left him for a reason." Kei snaps.

Every single insecurity that Louis ever had is coming back, because Kei is right, Harry didn't just leave him without a reason. Louis wasn't good enough for him, and probably still isn't. Louis' brain is going crazy. Because yes, Harry had left him but now he chooses Louis, claiming that he'd always choose him.

"You don't know shit." Fire is burning in Harry's eyes. "You don't get to talk about our break up or relationship. You don't know us, you don't know what we've been through and you don't know anything about our connection. I'm not making a mistake. One more bad thing about Louis and..."

"Haz, relax please." Louis puts his hand on Harry's shoulder, knowing that's how to calm him down. All the muscles in Harry's body are relaxing when he feels Louis' touch. "You're right, he doesn't know anything about us. He also doesn't need to. I'm willing to go on that boat trip if it means we can talk things out. The choice is yours. If you don't want to mess up things with Ke..."

"There is nothing to mess up." Harry interrupts. "Really Lou, believe me there is not. I'm coming with you. I'm going to pack my stuff. Can I come back to our room as well?"

Louis bites his lip and nods.

Harry turns around to face Kei.

"I'll save you the trouble from taking my stuff. I'll already pack it. Not that we had something going on, but we're done."


Harry and Louis are sitting in the taxi that brings them to the port. The whole ride none of them says a word, tension very clear between them. It's only 15 minutes and they arrive.

"It's a nice boat." Louis says when they are at the boat, ready to get on. The silence was literally killing him.

"It's really nice." Harry agrees.

Louis jumps on, and when he is on the boat, he reaches out his hand for Harry. He knows how clumsy the boy can be and he doesn't want to risk Harry falling into the ocean.

Harry smiles and thankfully grabs Louis' hand, getting safely on the boat.

The deck is decorated with rose petals, there's a bottle of champagne and a picnic basket, a cute blanket, and believe it or not, condoms and lube.

"Want to go inside? Maybe there it doesn't look like we are stuck in a bad romantic comedy." Louis jokes.

"You know I like those films!" Harry argues.

"I know you do, doesn't make me hate them less." Louis teases. Louis tries to open the door, but it's locked. There is only one door left open that leads to the toilet.

"Why the fuck is everything closed?" Louis groans. He doesn't mind being on the boat, but he wished that he didn't have to spend every single second with Harry. He had hoped that sometimes he could be inside and Harry outside and the other way around.

"This is your captain speaking! You two love birds stay on the deck and enjoy the romantic environment. Doors will be opened when you open your hearts to each other again."

Louis and Harry immediately look at each other, both screaming in synch.


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