Chapter 29

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I'm way too excited for eurovision in two hours! 

Sweden has to win and Belgium just doesnt have to humiliate themselves and then im happy. 

Louis can't help but stare at the boy that tried to touch his Harry. He left him alone for now but god how he just wants to get him out of here. Kei is making Louis' blood boil.

Harry looks at the boy he is madly in love with and a sigh leaves his lips. He hates it when Louis is worrying over nothing. There is no way Harry would ever choose Kei if he literally has an angel by his side.

"Want to dance, baby?" Harry's hand is resting on Louis' tight and his lips are touching Louis' ear as he whispers.

"I'm not in the mood."

"Lou, come on..." Harry straddles Louis' lap so he faces the boy, his hands playing with Louis' hair. "Don't let him ruin the night. Look at us, we look awesome. I want to show everybody how lucky I am having such a beautiful boy by my side. Let's ignore Kei, he's not important. Ignore him. I love you Louis."

And those last words always do it for Louis. The older boy nods and grabs Harry's hand, waiting for him to leave his lap and drag him to the dancefloor.

Harry gets the hint and a big smile appears on his smile, taking Louis with him to the dancefloor.

The boys are dancing and next to them Demi and Danielle are dirty dancing, grinding on each other.

"Seems like they're having a good time." Harry whispers in Louis' ear, hands on the older boy's hips.

"Yeah, they have. Going to show me a good time as well, Hazza?" Louis whispers back but his eyes still locked on Kei.

He is going to show that fucker who Harry belongs to.

"Are you sure you want that? We were going slow Lou..." Harry says doubtful.

"Mm, it's just dancing, not sucking dick."

Harry rolls his eyes fondly as he chuckles.

"You don't have a filter, do you?"

And Louis doesn't answer, just takes his hands and puts them on his hips as he turns around, his ass touching Harry's crotch. His hips are moving teasingly and it' really difficult for Harry not to get hard right there and then.

Louis closes his eyes, enjoying this. He is really having fun and for a second he forgets he doesn't only do this for his and Harry's pleasure, but also to show Kei who he is dealing with.

And the boys must have been dancing dirty for an hour, just enjoying each other's company and not caring about the rest, until Harry speaks up.

"I feel thirsty. This dancing makes me sweat. Look, my chest is just blue now." Harry giggles.

"Sit down with Taylor if you want, baby. I'm grabbing us a drink. What does Taylor like?"

Harry smiles at the older boy. He really loves the effort he is putting to be nice to Taylor and respecting Harry's friendship with her. It honestly means the world.

"She drinks mojitos, but she'll be happy with anything. Thanks Lou." Harry kisses his cheek and it's enough to put the biggest smile on Louis' face.

He even forgot about Kei until he bumps into someone. And of course, Louis' luck, it's the bastard himself.

"Really Tomlinson? Just pushing me?" Kei hisses.

Louis takes a deep breath and thinks about the boy that is sitting a few metres away.

Ignore him, yeah? He's not important to me, you are. Don't waste your breath, don't be violent."

And Louis really doesn't want to disappoint Harry, for sure not with the plan he has in his head. So he just grabs all the courage he has and puts on the best fake smile he has.

"Relax. I'm just grabbing drinks. Don't think everything revolves around you. I just wasn't paying attention. Can I go to the bar now, please?"

"What about no?" Kei crosses his arms and Louis up and down. "You want a drink? I'll get you one."

And only seconds later Louis feels cold liquid dripping down his face and chest, lemon burning in his eyes. He can hear Kiersey and Bill laugh and his blood is literally boiling.

don't be violent. Don't be violent. You can do it, Louis. Harry would be so proud of you if you just kept walking and didn't do anything.

"That's just childish." Demi snaps. "Really Kei how old are you? Still in your mother's uterus?" Demi takes some tissues and gives them to Louis. The British boy gives her a thankful smile.

"Alright, you had your fun. Can I now just please make my fucking drinks please?" Louis' voice sounds clearly annoyed, but he still doesn't say anything bad to Kei, and the other boy clearly enjoys Louis struggling.

"Bit sour, aren't you Louis?" he grins.

"Man, just let me make my drinks."

"Go for it, you ugly rat."

Louis rolls his eyes. Really that's the best insult he has?

And he almost challenged Kei, but he keeps his mouth shut. Like he is the first one calling Louis ugly.

Kei really thinks he can drag Louis down? That must be a joke, right? Louis has been working with Simon Cowell for 6 years. Ugly rat is almost a compliment.

Louis finally walks past the boy until he hears Kei screaming one more thing behind him.

"I get that you are thirsty. That slut was working good on you, wasn't he?"

And you can call Louis whatever the fuck you want, you can even throw bloody vodka lemon in his face

But nobody insults his Hazza.

"What did you say?" Louis turns around, arms crossed and ready to attack the boy in front of him.

"Oh so that's the sore spot? Don't like it when I talk about your little slut? We both know that's why you're still around him, Louis. You just want to fuck him and toss him aside, isn't it?"

And okay, Louis has proven that he has self control, but he hasn't got this much.

Like he did earlier, he pushes Kei against the wall and his fist connects with his face several times until Demi pulls him away.

"You don't know anything about me. I love Harry and just because he loves me too and not you, you don't have to call him a slut. No one calls him a slut and no one gets to say I don't love that boy."


Louis turns around only to see Harry's disappointed face, but he doesn't care. Kei deserved it. He tried the whole treat people with kindness thing, just doesn't work for him.

Louis escapes Demi's grasp and just passes Harry.

"Be as pissed as you want, Harry. I'm not sorry. He deserved it." 

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