Chapter 35

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Have a good read, my loves. I love you all very much. Thanks for the comments and the votes, it makes me smile. You all make me smile :) 

Louis can't help but feel bad about sitting with Eleanor here, knowing that this is really difficult for Harry.

He has to do this, tough. In the end it will all be better.

"How are you doing, Tommo?" El smiles at the boy. She can see as well that Louis isn't a hundred percent fine. She wants to cheer him up. "I see you and Harry are back together again. I'm happy for you. I could have assumed that you were only by the thing I had to bring with me for you."

"Do you have it?" Louis gives El a hopeful look.

"Here it is." El takes it from her bag and gives it to Louis, making the boy's eyes shine immediately.

"So you are going to propose to him, huh?" she smiles.

Once upon a time it would be a reason for her to cry but she made peace with the fact that Louis will never love her. She's alright with it. She found someone she loves now herself. Max makes her very happy.

"I am." Louis says proudly. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess. I just really needed that ring. It's so fucking important." Louis looks at the silver ring in his hand.

"It's alright. I could use a holiday. I just have to make sure I don't do anything wrong though. Max would totally freak out. I'm not the cheating type but it's just... Things can look different on tv. Anyway it's alright. I owe you for helping management for so long. You do know that I didn't have a choice right?" El's voice is softer by the end and Louis gives her a sad smile.

"No one had. You didn't, Taylor didn't, Haz and I didn't. The only one making choices were management. But it's over now. I have a plan. I might risk losing the band but..."

"Your relationship with Harry comes first." El interrupts. " I get it. You boys have been in love forever and management has messed with you enough."

"It's just... If the plan goes how I want it to go then Harry and I are free and One Direction is still there. Worst case scenario I'm kicked out off the band. It's worth it though. I just want to be free and I just want to be with Harry. I told Niall to call my lawyer and also the other boys. I just can't risk losing him again, El.

Is it bad that I want to be selfish? That I'd rather give up the band than my own happiness?" Louis' eyes are tearing and he looks at the ground. The thought that he might have to leave One Direction kills him. But there is one thing that kills him even more and that is losing Harry. Whatever sacrifice he has to make, he will do it.

"You've been putting the fans before you for so long, Lou. It's alright. They will understand. They want to see you happy. People noticed how your smile left over the years. I've seen many posts about it how you look more miserable every year. Your fans aren't happy if you aren't. It's alright. Be selfish, Lou. It's your time to be happy now."

Louis smiles at Eleanor while tears are streaming down his face. He pulls her in for a hug.

"Thank you for being my friend and for bringing the ring. Also for taking care of Cliff. He likes you. I'll invite you to the wedding and you can walk Cliff who will carry the rings." Louis jokes

"You better do that, Tomlinson. Can't believe I'm even going to walk your fucking dogs on the wedding,"


Frustrated and angry. That's how Harry feels. He is powerless. He just saw the love of his life leaving with that same stupid bitch


He begged Louis to just ignore what the tablet says and go. It pisses Harry off that the older boy didn't agree and just went with Eleanor.

It was like he wanted to be with her and not with Harry.


Harry looks next to him and rolls his eyes.

"What's up, Kei?"

"We should talk, for real." The boy sighs. "I mean I'm still convinced that I deserve a proper explanation about what happened."

And Harry knows that Kei is not completely wrong. Harry didn't handle that situation right, but it doesn't feel right to talk to Kei when Louis is gone. The older boy would probably freak out. Harry doesn't want that.

"Maybe another time Kei but for sure not now. I want to discuss this with Louis." Harry takes a sip from his cocktail.

"It's always Louis Louis Louis. Harry this is about us, not about Louis. He is not involved in this. This is about the way you treated me. I don't give a single fuck about Louis." Kei is frustrated and his hands are tangled in his hair.

"I care about Louis and I know that he wouldn't be happy if I just talk to you now. It would hurt him and I don't want to hurt him."

"Like he gives a fuck, Harry. Where is he now, huh? Exactly, with the girl that according to him never meant anything. You were literally begging him not to go yet he couldn't be more eager to follow her. I don't know Harry but this loyalty is a bit one sided, isn't it?"

And a strange feeling appears in Harry's stomach. He feels like crying. Kei isn't completely wrong. Louis did leave with Eleanor while he knew it would hurt Harry. Still, he doesn't want to do the same. He knows how it hurts.

"I'm not talking to you now. I'm sure Louis has a reason why he went with her. Kei I really don't want to do this now. Louis is my boyfriend and I respect him. His choices shouldn't influence mine."

"Harry..." Kei comes closer and he puts his hand on Harry's cheek, leaning in.

No, that's not going to happen.

And just when Harry is about to push him away, he hears a voice that is all too familiar.

"What the fuck, Harry?"

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