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Felling lips in my chest. I woke up to Bria placing small kisses on my chest. Smiling to myself cause she would always do this in the morning.

"About time you wake up" she smiled.

"That party last night was crazy! Love throwing those dinner parties" I said. She placed her chin on my chest "what can I say people love us".

Pulling her closer to me "not as much as I do".

She smirked "prove it".

Flipping her over I placed a kiss on her lips. Let's just say we got a good morning workout. After we were done I got up to get dressed. She laid in bed sleeping.

Even though between us we accumulated our wealth... but I still enjoy going to work. Glancing at Bria before I walked out our bedroom. A small smile crept upon my face. She was perfect.

Meanwhile, the job was busy. It's getting nicer out and people love coming to this beach. I had my workers really working today. Gia ended up being supervisor since people seem to like her.

Watching her through the blinds... sometimes I wonder what could've been. My phone interrupted me from the lingering thoughts.

"Baby?! It's me. Listen tonight my dad and step mom are coming over so..." Bria said.

"Is that tonight ? Damn I forgot!. Umm I may be late but I'll be there" I said.

She sighed "aren't you the boss? And you have Gia she can cover for you". Didn't really like anyone else doing my job.

"You know how I am. But I'll be there" I said.

She sighed again "Delano... you're making me unhappy. You hate when I'm unhappy. So make me happy and just do what I say".

Rolling my eyes mentally.

"See you at seven" she said.

The call ended.

Everyone has flaws. Bria is who she is. She's not changing for anybody.

My office door opened "you do know your intercom was on... so the entire place heard your conversation".

Wife eyeing Gia "say what?".

She nodded "look if you want me to stay I will".

Debating cause I want to make sure things were done the way I usually do it. She waved her hand infront of my face "hello?".

Blinking a few times "fine".

She smiled "don't worry I got this".

"I hope you do" I said.

Now Bria can be happy.



Checking my beautiful reflection in the mirror. My dress was beautiful just like me. My eyes sparkled in the light. My dad has always instilled in me that looks matter. Also how beautiful I am and that can pave a good rich life.

Delano and I were not seeing eye to eye at first but in due time he fell for me. As he should. Have you seen the man? He's handsome and rich. Like why wouldn't we be together?.

Hearing the front door open and close. Smelling Delano I smiled "baby? Is that you?".

"I'm home" he said.

Running down to him and kissed him.

"So happy you made it" I smiled.

He smiled and went to change. Not for nothing but Delano smelt like the beach. It wasn't a good smell. My father and my step mom finally made their appearance.

Running to my dad and hugging him "my favorite girl".

I smiled cause my dad was the best. He spoiled his only daughter!.

Delano came from showering and in way better clothing. My dad shook his hand "Delano? How's the business?".

"Can't complain" he smiled.

My mom looked around "you guys can't do better than this?".

"Mom don't start. Soon enough we will be in a huge house and you won't know what to say" I joked.

"I hope so..." she ran her finger down the counter "dusty".

Shooing them into the dining room. Delano just looked uncomfortable.

After a couple glasses of wine all you can hear was laughter! Usually that's all it took for my mom to loosen up.

"My, My Delano... I must say Bria picked a nice one when she found you" my mom said.

Delano grabbed my hand under the table "if she didn't walk in that faithful day to get an application... who knows what could've happened".

My dad took another sip "is Gia still working for you Delano?".

He nodded "she's the supervisor".

"Poor thing couldn't do better with herself so Delano felt bad and made her a supervisor" I said.

My mother laughed "she's like a helpless dog".

We all laughed but Delano. Nudging him he shrugged.


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