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what Gia told me about Brian was replaying in my head. She's never told me about that. Actually she always seems to leave that part out. Even though allegedly Ryan's dad wasn't a good guy. But does that mean it Bria didn't sleep with him... Gia would've stayed?.

Didn't even realize when I got home. Opening the door I saw Bria standing there in a lingerie smiling.

"Welcome home honey!" She smiled.

Eyeing her up and down. This should excite me. But I wasn't in the mood. She walked out to me and kissed me. Her lips felt good but I wasn't in the mood.

She pulled back "what's wrong?".

"Nothing just tired" I lied.

"Oh, hard day?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Well don't worry I got food for us. It's on the table" she smiled. What did she order now? Why can't she just cook?.

"Great" I said.

We both walked to the table. I saw a steak dinner just waiting. "Marcos is the place to be" she said.

Too be honest I wasn't hungry. I wasn't about to force a steak down my throat.

"Bria look this looks great and all but I'm exhausted. All I want to do is sleep" I said.

She raised her brow "oh well... I'll just put your food in the fridge and you can take it for lunch tomorrow".

I nodded "sounds good. I'll be in bed".



I get it Delano works hard. He always has. Hence why we have money!. I grew up with money and I intend to always be with money. Being poor isn't a goal of mine.

Delano had forgotten his lunch once again. Inconveniencing my time to drop off his lunch. Walking into his office I saw no one there. Placing the lunch on his desk. I walked back out to see Delano and Gia talking.

Anytime Gia was around it made my blood boil. I don't get why she thinks she's better than me. She's the one who's poor. She's the one who is a single mother. She's the one who is struggling in life.

Clearing my throat they both looked at me. Gia rolled her eyes. Delano smiled "hey, what brings you here?".

I eyed Gia "came to drop off your lunch".

Delano facepalmed himself "oh damn I forgot... was running late. Plus Gia here needed a ride since her car is in the shop".

"Yeah you know cars" Gia said.

"You do know there's a thing called a bus. Try getting on it" I suggested.

Gia smirked but didn't say anything. Delano shook his head "Bria come on now".

"What?!" I asked.

Gia shook her head "when you want to continue discussing business you know where to find me". Watching her walk away I sighed "why do you still have her working here? It's weird!!".

"Gia is an amazing employee. Without her here I wouldn't be able to come home at a normal time" he said.

"Whatever! And I was serious about her catching the bus" I said.

Delano wrapped his arm around me "relax! You're over thinking now! How about later after work we go out to eat?".

I smiled "I would love that". He kissed me and walked me to my car.

Hours later we sat at our favorite place. The dim lighting and the low tone music was everything. The candle that flickered the light at our table. Made the night special.

Sometimes I wondered would this be the time Delano finally proposes? Would he get the right ring?. So many questions.

"Bria let me ask you... do you want kids?" He asked.

Choking on my wine "kids? Eww! Who needs that stress? Nevermind what it would do to my body... no".

"Really you wouldn't want a little Delano running around?" He asked.

"Did I speak another language? No! Why are you all of a sudden asking me this?" I asked.

He shrugged "just saw Gia with Ryan and it made me wonder about having kids. That's all".

Sucking my teeth "oh don't let Gia trick you of thinking her life is all rainbow and unicorns! It's not! She shouldn't even be your example of what life with kids should be like".

Delano sighed "was just a thought... that's all". After we ate he paid the bill. He left a big tip on the table. I nudged him "are you crazy? That's a lot of money for a waiter".

He nodded "it was great service".

"Yeah but it's too much for these nine to five workers. Don't make one rich for great service" I said.

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