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Why do these men end up trying to sleep with me?. Aiden was a different case. But Delano now too! I mean he's not a bad kisser... I could only imagine how sex would be.

Shaking those thoughts from my head... I work for him and he's dating my ex friend. Let it go!.

After putting some sense in his head he left. That almost happened and it would've been hot too. I felt the heat of attraction between Delano and I.

I'm very grateful for what he did. He didn't have to help me at all. But I'm wondering if he thinks because he did something nice for me... that I have to do him favors. Men think like that unfortunately [facts].

Ryan came into the backyard "mommy why was Delano here before?".

"Cause he brought those donuts you gobbled down this morning" I answered.

"Duh, I know that! But he's always here now. Why?" He asked.

I shrugged "I don't know" damn he noticed too. Ever since that encounter of us having sex Delano has been here almost everyday. I'm not sure if he's here because he's hoping I will give in and give him the best sex of his life.

"Well it's his house but still..." Ryan said.

"Exactly, it's his house so you can't tell the man he comes here too much" I said.

"When are we going back home?" He asked.

"When Aiden goes to jail" I answered.

"He's my dad, right?" He asked.

I could easily lie and turn this whole conversation around but seeing Ryan's face I couldn't "yup".

"Oh, I don't like him" he said.

"Me either he's a mean guy" I said.

"Then why did you have me with him?" He asked. Damn he's awake today with all the questions! "Umm it's a difficult story to tell. Maybe when you're older".

"But I'm six! I will understand. Tell me" he pleaded.

"Ryan trust me when I say it's a story for when you are much older like fourteen. So you can really understand the circumstances" I said.

He pouted "no fair! Why can't Delano be my dad?! He may be weird but he's always nice to me!"

I laughed "Ryan go play or something".

"Why is Delano being my dad funny? You like him so" he said.

Giving him my serious face. He smiled "I think my game is charged let me go play". He skipped away from me and back inside. This little boy lost his damn mind. Next thing he'll be asking me for siblings.



Making sure my nails were dry. Delano came though the doors whistling. Why the hell is he so happy? He hugged me "hey baby!". This was weird even for him. Kissing him he pulled away.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"No, why?" He asked.

"Because I kissed you and you pulled away. You never done that before" I said

He shrugged "no reason".

"Then kiss me!" I demanded. He leaned in and proceeded to kiss me. But you can tell he wasn't into it. Pulling away "what the hell was that sad kiss?".

"It's a kiss" he said.

Squinting my eyes at him "you are acting strange today".

"I'm just happy" he admitted.

"Okay why?" I asked.

"Oh because I closed a deal on a property I've been watching for a while now" he said.

"Ohhhh okay! Makes sense! Well congratulations" I said.

He smiled and walked into the room still whistling. Rolling my eyes at his corny behavior. At least Gia is out of the picture for now. Aiden did something right.

Walking into the room I approached Delano tracing my finger onto his chest "how about we celebrate this win?!".

He smiled and picked me up laying me on the bed. Hovering over me he just stared at me for a second. Then he got up "I'm tired. Let's take a rain check". Sitting up I was in disbelief. This was the second time he stood me up for sex. Before he would be ready before we hit the bed.

Seeing my reflection in the television I checked myself out. Maybe it was me. I'm doing everything right though.

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