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I couldn't sleep. Bria tried to have sex but I just wasn't into it. She got annoyed and went to sleep. But here I am. Still awake. To be honest my mind was on Gia. I hope she was okay. Ever since I brought her up there.. I haven't heard from her.

Checking my phone to make sure maybe I missed a text or phone call... but nothing. Turning to see it was now six in the morning. I had to get up anyway. But I wanted to make a quick stop.

Grabbing coffee and some donuts. I headed up to see Gia. It's more like a wellness check. Pulling up the house I got out and walked inside. It was quiet.

Not trying to make too much noise. Placing the donuts on the kitchen counter. "Morning stranger" I heard.

Gia stood there in her night Artie. My eyes went to her legs that were bare. Her pink stain shorts were complimenting her skin. Along with her stain crop top. My mind went to a dark place.

"Are those donuts for me?" She smirked.

Clearing my throat "well yeah... figured Ryan would love it".

She walked around me that's when I felt her boob swipe my back "yeah he will... thank you".

I wanted to grab Gia and just take her to her room and just have my way with her... there's something alluring about her. Shifting myself "how's it been?".

She took a bite out of the donut. I'm not sure why I found that seductive "it's been nice".

Moving closer to her "that's good".

There was something different with Gia. I felt that a weird magnetic connection was happening. Her scent was intoxicating. Watching her scratching the back of her neck. My mind wondered what she would taste like.

She turned to me in the midst of me staring at her "are you okay?".

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine" I lied.

She raised her brow "are you sure?". Placing her hand on my forehead. Her touch sent chills down my spine. Wrapping my arm around her waist I pulled her closer to me. She blinked at me a couple of times. Nothing was said. Instead I leaned in and kissed her. I felt the fireworks go through my body. Her lips moving to the same motion of mine. Bria never kissed like this.

Hearing Ryan's footsteps she pushed me back just staring at me. Pushing my hair back with nothing said.

"Mommy? Where are you?!" He said.

Gia cleared her throat "I'm in the kitchen!".

Hearing his footsteps coming closer to us he came in and his eyes lid up "hi Delano".

"Morning buddy! I brought you donuts" I said.

Gia smiled "cool right?".

He smiled "yes very cool".

My eyes never left Gia. She didn't look at me. It's more like she was trying to avoid looking at me.  Ryan was too busy eating. I walked up behind Gia tracing my fingers on her exposed side. She moved from me "I'm going to go to the bathroom. Make sure you eat and do not make a mess".

She thought she was slick. I followed behind her quickly. Catching her in the hallway I pushed her to the wall "look let's not ignore the pull".

"Delano look the kiss was nice but you are with Bria... I mean yeah that should be enough reasons why we shouldn't do this" she said.

Playing with her hair with my finger she looked down "I've never had someone kiss me like that. Your lips are amazing!".

She blushed "thanks but no".

Leaning in I needed to feel her lips again. Once our lips touched the fireworks went off again. Picking her up she wrapped her legs around me. Walking her into her bedroom.. placing her on the bed.

She pushed me back "we can't do this".

"Why not?" I asked.

"Really? Bria and Ryan" she said.

I sighed "Gia Gia Gia... let's not mention this to anyone" she nodded still under me. I just needed one last kiss. She picked up her head and kissed me.

"You're not a bad kisser yourself" she said.

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