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Gia wanted me to meet her father. I mean how bad could this turn out.

"Warning, my mom may try and ruin this. Just ignore her" Gia said. I wasn't sure what she meant by that. She hasn't really spoke about her family life.

Shrugging I just went along with it. Ryan wasn't as excited to go to his grandparents house. But her dad insisted we come over.

When we got there... Ryan ran to the backyard. He didn't even want to greet anyone. Gia allowed him to do so. Her father opened the door "Gia... and Delano! Welcome!".

We walked inside. Gia motioned me to come into her fathers den. We took a seat "Gia how've you been?".

"I'm good" she eyed Ryan running around.

"Delano? Nice to meet you. Formally. Hopefully Gia hasn't been too much for you" he said.

Glancing at Gia "no never... I may be too much for her".

Gia cleared her throat "it's quiet in here where's you know who?".

"Oh your mother is here but she's busy talking on the phone" he answered.

Ryan came to the sliding door "hi grandpa!".

Her dad waved "hey Ryan!". That's when Ryan instantly removed himself and ran off. Not realizing why... until I heard a fourth person loudly clear their throat.

"Look who decided to show her slutty face..." her mom said.

"Here we go..." Gia said.

"That's right! I just got off the phone with Bria's mother and how dare you! Both of you! Do you have any morals? Well Gia I know you will sleep with anything that walks" she said.

"Honey can we not do this today?" Her father chimed in.

"You shush! Your precious daughter is a home wrecker. Stealing a man from a very prominent woman and then get knocked up too! Wow Gia I must say you are a disgusting human being" she continued.

Gia shook her head "coming from the same woman she left a terrible taste in half the towns mouth. Maybe I took after you! Can't stand the fact I might be just like you".

"You wish! You will never in your life be like me. That's one thing I've never done is be a home wrecker! Delano I don't know what spell
Gia has you under but you need to run. Run away just like Ryan's dad did. He was smart" she said.

When she brought up Ryan's dad gia's whole moody changed.

"Oh did I hit a soft spot? Delano maybe you don't know Ryan's dad. He was the best thing that happened to Gia. Until she lied on him raping her!" She said.

I cleared my throat "she didn't lie. He did rape her. How insensitive can you be?".

Her mother seemed shocked that I took Gia's side "oh please! Gia has a tendency to lie to get attention".

"You know you have to ask yourself. As a mother how can you hate your own child?. Having Ryan in the circumstance that happened was hard. I thought about termination that pregnancy. I didn't want Ryan to resemble his rapist father. Wasn't sure I could look at him and feel love. But I put my big girl pants on and did what I had to do. That little boy out there is truly the best thing. The love I have for him is unconditional. As I sit here I can't say I've ever felt love from you. Just plain hate. Why?" Gia asked.

Her mother stood there with nothing to say.

"Thought so" Gia rolled her eyes "dad continue".

"Just make sure you give Bria back her man. You slut" her mother stormed out the room.

"Gia I'm sorry about her" her dad said.

"I don't know how you did it. She's a mean, no heart having... piece of shit! Even Ryan doesn't like her" Gia said.

The whole vibe in the home was just tense. Motioning Gia we should go. Ryan came to the sliding door "mommy I'm hungry!".

"Dad I'll call you! But thank you for always being a kind person" Gia smiled. They hugged each other and we were on our way.

In the car, Ryan sighed "I don't like when she's there!".

"Me too!" Gia said.

"Look how about we go get something to eat and we get some ice cream as well... at least it'll be a nice ending to a bad day" I suggested.

Ryan cheered "yay! Ice cream... I'm getting sprinkles and whipped cream too!".

Gia laughed "he's more excited about the ice cream than eating food".

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