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My mom made an schedule appointment to meet this little girl. Now I don't have high hopes at all. Especially since what happened to Aiden. I need someone who will bring hell.

"Here she goes" my mom smiled.

The little girl looked annoyed. She kept looking around "mom this place is dusty".

"Clara can you relax?" Her mom asked.

She flipped her hair "who are these peasants?".

Oh no she didn't.

Looking at my mom who was nodding "little girl watch your mouth".

"And what are you going to do?" She asked.

"I like her! She reminds me of me" I smiled.

My mom nodded "she sure does".

"Clara from the womb has always had this attitude about her. She thinks she's better than everyone. I'm not sure where she gets it from but it rubs people the wrong way most of the time" her mother explained.

Clara just looked around with a disgust look on her face "you can tell a man doesn't live here".

Her mother wide eyed her "can you stop?".

She shrugged "just saying! Someone so pretty and she's single. Something must be wrong with you".

I wanted to strangle Clara myself but she will work well with what we have planned.

"So Clara are you excited about starting a new school?" I asked.

She sucked her teeth "those kids before are all pussies!".

"I'm guessing that's a no" I mumbled.

My mom sat next to her which made Clara look her up and down real quick "look honey we have an assignment for you. We have this little boy Ryan who's probably going to be in your class. We want you to torture... I mean bully him to the point of no return".

Clara raised her brow "and what's in it for me?".

"A nice big check" my mom held up.

She snatched the check and scanned it "what? I don't know you".



"Love you, mom!" I screamed running into school. Since Delano's been around things have been great. My mom is happy and I'm happy to be a big brother.

I've always loved school. I'm a smart person. Now as of having friends... I mean I have people I speak to but not someone who I can confide in.

"Class I have an announcement" the teacher said.

We all looked up to see what she was going to say.

Remember I'm in second grade.

"We have a new addition to our class. Everyone say hello to Clara" my teacher said. This little girl walked in with a whole attitude. She stood there with her hand on her hip. "Clara would you mind saying something about yourself?".

She turned to the teacher "actually I do mind".

The teacher was taken back "oh well you can go sit down".

Clara walked past me and I felt a pinch on my arm. Glaring at her she smiled.

Later on after school I was waiting for mom to pick me up. Clara came up beside me and shoved me.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked.

"I don't like you!" She said.

Watching her walk to her fancy car she flipped me off as she got inside and closed the door. My mom came right after. She knew something  was wrong with me "what happened?".

I wanted to tell her about Clara but I'll see if she continues to bother me tomorrow. Don't need my mom going to fight anyone.



Rubbing my hands together as I smiled. Clara reported back to me. I liked what I was hearing. And knowing Ryan he won't tell his mom about this. Plus what can Gia do anyway?.

Grass isn't always greenerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora