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Looking through my phone and seeing the pictures that confirmed my worst fears. Delano is cheating on me with Gia. How the hell did this even happen? And why her? He knows how I hate Gia.

But I won't let her win.

Then the second text came in. When I saw what was formed into a sentence my mouth dropped open.

No! Can't be! He wouldn't dare let that happen?!.

I wanted to scream and break things but that would be expected of me. This time I'm playing it cool. The reserve affect. Seeing Delano coming through the front door. I put my phone down. I forced a smile and got up "hey baby".

Hugging him tight. Slowly smelling Gia's scent on his neck. I wanted to strangle him.

"How was work?" I asked.

He shrugged "same old".

I nodded.

"Delano can we talk?" I asked.

He turned to me "what's up?".

"Look I know about you and Gia" I said. His eyes blinked a few times but he had a delayed reaction to what I said. "Say what?" He asked.

"Yeah I know that you've been cheating on me with her and she may be pregnant. Correct?" I asked. Hoping he would confirm maybe the first half of this.

He cleared his throat "it's true".

Taking my hand and placing it over my mouth. Seeing it and hearing it... makes a difference. Putting my head back I took in a deep breath. "Well I guess we will have to work through this. If I know Gia right it won't be hard to talk her into getting an abortion".

"Gia isn't getting a abortion" Delano said.

I smiled "she sure will".

"Bria do you hear yourself? You can't force someone to do something" he said.

"Delano you cheated on me with my arch nemesis! I'm calm about this. I'm willing to work through this mishap. But as long as Gia plays well and aborts that mistake immediately!" I said.

"That won't happen" he said.

"Well we'll see now won't we. Now go wash up dinner is about to be here in two minutes" I ordered. Delano sighed and walked out of my eye sight.

I'll be damned to work this hard for Delano and have someone I hate take all of it away!.



Haven't heard nor seen Delano since our last meeting. I won't let that distract me from living.

"Mom! We're going to be late! Hurry up!" Ryan said. He's been so excited to go back to school. It's his home away from home. He ran towards the front of the school into the double doors.

Bumping into someone I looked up and I wish I hadn't.

"Well... look who I see?" Aiden smiled. Not wanting to even talk to him I kept walking. Hearing his heavy walking behind me. Ryan hugged me and ran into his class.  Making sure he was settled I walked fast.

"Gia hey! Can we talk?" He asked.

Nothing said. I went to open my car door when he pushed his body on top of the door shutting it.

"Look, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do what I was intended to do" he said.

Looking around for someone to help me...

"I'm serious! I mean I can't help but do what you make me... from ever since" he said.

"Aiden can you just leave me alone? Go disappear away from me" I said.

That's when his finger started playing with my hair "Gia let's be real, we have a kid together. I could never leave you alone". Pushing his finger away from me "not like you're father of the damn year".

He smirked "can't argue with that... but let me try".

"Hell no! Are you crazy?!" I asked.

He grabbed my arm "does it look like I'm playing around? Cmon Gia don't make old Aiden come out. I'm trying to be civil here".

The security guard must've been watching us cause he came over "what's going on here?".

"Nothing, absolutely nothing" Aiden answered. He walked off and blew a kiss at me. The security guard looked at me "are you okay?".

I nodded "yeah thanks".

What ever happened to a life that wasn't so complicated? This has to be karma for sleeping with Delano.

Grass isn't always greenerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ