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Y'all hate me yet? Lol


I love surprising Delano at work for lunch. Walking inside his office and Gia was there talking to him. Rolling my eyes cause I don't know why he has her here. Why can't she get a better job somewhere far away?.

Watching Delano and Gia talk I saw her hand touch his arm and they laughed. Clearing my throat Delano glanced at me. Moving his arm from her touch.

He smiled and stood up "hey".

Rolling my eyes at the sight of Gia "you know it's that time of day" holding up the bag of food.

He nodded "wow time went fast...".

"Wow Bria you cook? Oh wait..." Gia joked.

"Gia can you get a clue and leave us alone. My boyfriend and I want to eat lunch" I said.

Gia smiled "I'll come back later. Wow, a fur coat in Arizona. Someone wants to die from heat exhaustion".

Walking up to Delano I kissed him deeply. Hearing a sigh I heard the office door close "about time".

"Weren't two good friends? What happened?" Delano asked.

Taking off my coat and getting a chair and pulling it next to Delano "for one we grew apart. Second, she magically had a kid and there's no father. Ever since then she's been different. Anyway who cares! I moved on with you and were happy!".

His mouth was too full to agree. Just watching him eat made me happy.

A few minutes late he sat back "that was good".

Cleaning up the mess "tell me about it! I love Marcos they have the best steak".

"How about one night you cook for me?" He asked.

"Eww, cook? Me? No. Only poor people cook. I'm too rich for that" I said.

He sighed "bria can you not say things like that? It's wrong!".

"It's how I feel" I said.

He stretched "well lunch is over. Thank you for spoiling me once again. I'll see you when I get home". He kissed me and walked me out to the car.



Gia and I were handling some business things. She always had a habit on joking around I guess to lesser the actual work.

After Bria left I walked out to see Gia speaking to a customer. It seems they were having a interesting conversation. Walking over to them I smiled "everything okay?".

Gia glanced at me "umm yeah just answering some of his questions".

The man raised his brow "you two are together?".

Gia laughed... before she could answer I cut her off "why do you want to know?".

The man smirked "because Gia here is a pretty woman. I'm trying to shoot my shot".

"Well in that case yes we are together! Now get lost" I warned. Gia turned to me upset "and why would you do that?!".

"Because homeboy thought he was slick" I answered.

She walked away from me quickly. I'm just trying to protect Gia. As you can see she doesn't appreciate it.

As the day went on... Gia has been keeping to herself. At least she should've been in here trying to talk to me. Nothing!.

Let me distract my thoughts as I picked up the phone to call Bria...

"Hey baby!" She said.

"Hey what are you doing?" I asked. The noise of something loud was blaring through the phone "oh I'm getting my hair done. I'm under the dryer!".

Of course she is...

"Oh, umm okay" I said.

"What's up? I can hear you" she said.

Rubbing my temples slowly... "Umm nothing you're busy so I'll call you later".

"Okay!" That dryer was so loud. Throwing my phone down...when I needed her she's busy. That's a flaw she has.

My phone went off... Bria sent a text...

I'm looking pretty for you!

Rolling my eyes cause it's not always looks for me. Sometimes it's the acts of service. Yes, she brought me lunch but she didn't make it. It didn't technically come from her.

It's amazing the little things you don't see in the beginning.

My office door opened and it was Gia. She came in with nothing said. Just putting some papers on my desk and went to walk out.

"Gia?..  come on! You're still mad at me?" I asked.

"You had no right to do what you did earlier" she said.

"I was just protecting you. That guy seemed a little sketchy. You don't want someone like that around Ryan" I said.

Her face softened... Ryan is her son. Also her heart.,. And weakness! But she is a great mom.

"I guess you're right. But I would never bring a man to meet Ryan" she said.

"Good" I smiled. She walked out and my mood changed.

Grass isn't always greenerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz