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If I wanted things to go my way I had to be nice. Trying to practice smiling in my phone. Let's see how fast I can convince Gia to terminate this thing.

She walked in and sat down "Bria..."

"Hey Gia! How's life?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes "can you not try and be nice? Like you give a fuck how my life is going. What do you want?".

I smirked "you're right! I could care less about how you and that kid of yours is doing. Let's get to the chase. First off, thirsty?".

She showed me her water bottle "I wouldn't trust anything you give me".

"Smart girl" I said.

Gia got up "I see this is a waste..."

"I know about you and Delano.." I said. She slowly sat back down "okay?".

"And that you are pregnant. Now I would be furious about the whole situation. But I realized you could just terminate the pregnancy and stay away from Delano. Problem solved!" I said.

Gia shook her head and laughed "wow! You really were confident saying all of that".

I smiled "well because you will do what I ask.
Think about it... how can you sleep with another women's man and get pregnant for him as well? What does that make you?!".

Gia smiled "a savior... because from the looks of it... Delano seemed deprived. Especially the way his eyes would roll in the back of his head as he would slowly slide into me... it's like he's never had something so tight before".

Trying my hardest not to jump over this table and strangle Gia. Instead I pushed the table as a warning.

She nodded "did I hit a nerve?".

"Look you bitch! Get that damn abortion! Here I'll even pay for it" handing her an envelope. She pushed it back "I don't want your money. And I already told you I'm not aborting a damn thing. Are we done here?!".

I stood up and slammed my hands on the table making the echo of the noise go throughout this place "listen to me... you home wrecker! Delano is my man. Mine! Not yours! You slid your whorish ways to him when he was vulnerable... just stay far from him".

She clapped her hands "wow what a performance! Actually that's what Delano told me on many occasions. But I'll do you a favor... first off he's the one who made that move to escalate things further. Now is it my fault you weren't satisfying him? Nope!".

Squinting my eyes at her "Gia get out of my face before I do the abortion myself".

She stood up and leaned in close "you don't scare me".

We had a moment of just staring at each other... all I can do is imagine Delano and her together which made me even more upset.

She glanced at her phone "oh look at the time I have to go. But tell Delano hello for me. Since you'll see him before me!".

I squeezed the bottle of water letting the water spray everywhere. I truly hated gia with a passion.



"She did what?" I asked.

"You heard me! Bria is crazy" Gia said.

Wrapping my arms around her. I missed feeling Gia. Her soft skin along my finger tips. The scent of vanilla that radiated off of her. Placing small kisses along her neck. She turned around "I don't think this will help".

Smirking I pulled her into a kiss. Her soft plump lips against mine... the fire works were set off.

Ryan barged into the room interrupting what was about to happen "whoa!".

Gia quickly moved from me "Ryan open your eyes".

He shook his head "eww no!".

I sighed "Ryan you can open your eyes nothing is going on". He slowly opened his eyes looking around "that almost happened".

Gia laughed "what's the emergency?".

"I'm hungry! When is dinner going to be ready? Because I might get a snack" he said.

"Me too" I mumbled.

Gia eyed me "soon".

He smiled "okay, Delano are you staying for dinner?". Before I could answer Gia spoke for me "Umm no he has to get home".

"Oh" Ryan said. He shrugged and ran out the room. I turned to Gia "what was that about?".

"Look maybe it'll be best you aren't here as much. Don't want Ryan getting close and then you choose to stay with Bria. Then he gets hurt" she said.

I was stunned. Her phone went off and her facial expressions. She rolled her eyes and pressed the ignore option. "Who's that?" I asked.

She sighed "Aiden".

"He's been contacting you?!" I asked.

"Something like that" she said.

"Gia why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

She shrugged "no reason just forgot. Plus you're busy anyway".

"With what?" I asked.

"Bria, anyway you better get home before she sends the dogs out for you" she said.

Couldn't believe she never told me about Aiden harassing her especially after what he tried to do to her. "Promise me if he tries anything you'll tell me... I'm protecting you both and this one too" pointing to her stomach.

She nodded "I'll be fine, Delano".

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