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Whew I was slipping there. Had to take care of my mental health but I'm back!!!.


Now Gia can say whatever she wants about us not seeing each other so much. But how can I stay away from someone I want?.

"Look at Ryan go..." I said. Convincing Gia to let me take her and Ryan to a water resort for an overnight trip. She was hesitant at first but Ryan over heard when I asked her. He somewhat sealed the deal.

"Ryan?! Be careful" Gia said.

He was having tons of fun. All smiles.

"I think it's safe to say that Ryan is having the time of his life" I said.

Gia just ignored anything I said "so why did you bring us here?".

Scrunching my eyebrows "what do you mean? To relax and let loose".

She sucked her teeth "Delano look... I'm not dumb. If you wanted to spend time with Ryan and I just say that".

I sighed "Gia let's be real. I can't be away from you. Knowing Aiden is around. Also you're pregnant. I can't just sit back far away and wonder if you're okay".

"For one, Aiden I can handle him. He came to Ryan's school like a week ago. He tried to be Aiden but the security officer saw us and came over. Which made Aiden run" she said.

This is what I'm talking about.

"Gia I understand you're used to doing things alone. But I'm here. I'll be damned Aiden is the reason you get hurt" I said.

She didn't say anything just stared at Ryan who was about to jump into the pool.

Hours later we were upstairs. Ryan had separate room in our room. Which means we have privacy. In the bathroom Gia had turned on the shower.

Walking passed the open door I see she was completely naked. Just staring at herself in the mirror. My god her body was perfect. Meaty was starting to slowly awake. I needed Gia. Walking into the bathroom I closed the door locking it. She turned to me "what are you doing?". Before I could answer I took everything off.

She smiled "in the shower? Aren't we experiencing new fuck places". Attaching my lips to hers. That feeling of bliss filled my body. At that moment I wanted to be inside. We both went into the shower. Lifting her up spreading her as far as I could I let meaty find it. She moaned but softly. Ryan could easily hear us. I wanted to take my time. No need to rush. Slow thrust as my lips was attached to hers. With the water hitting our skin and the hot passionate sex... feeling her nails dig into my skin.

Watching her eyes roll back as an orgasm came rippling through her body. Going in deep and watched another orgasm ripple through her.

The way her insides were feeling made meaty very happy. He couldn't get enough of it. Feeling myself about to release I sped up the pace. Burying my face in her chest as my seed over flowed from the withdrawal of Gia.

We both smiled at one another.

"Couldn't hold out?" She joked. Trying to compose myself "not for you. I can't".


After we were done Gia went to check on Ryan who fell asleep listening to YouTube. Gia quietly removed the headphones and turned the tablet off. Closing his door quietly she joined me in the bed.

Wrapping my arms around her I wanted to be close to her.

"You really like affection?" She asked.

"Never thought about it. Just when I like something I'm very much into it" I answered.

Her hair smelled so good and it was so soft. Her skin was so soft as well. I laid there just examining her features. Gia is a very beautiful woman and she doesn't even know it.

She sighed when her phone went off.

"Aiden?" I asked. Because if it was him I would've answer the phone for her. "No" my annoying ass mother who hates me so I don't l is why she's even calling me".

"I'm guessing there's no relationship there?" I joked.

"Relationship? There's nothing not even love. Just pure hate. And the crazy thing it was never on my part. It grew that way from her treating me like shit" she said.

Gia got dealt some messed up cards.

"Don't worry about her or Aiden. You got Ryan and me" I smiled.

"Technically I don't have you. Bria does" she said.

"You know what I meant" I said.

She sat up "what did you mean?".

"Well if you feel like you don't have anyone I'm here. I've always been here for you. Where'd you realized it or not" I said. She blinked at me a few times and laid back down "I knew that! Just wanted to see what you would say".

Pulling her face to me so I can attach my lips to hers.

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