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I'm here stuck at on a plane with Bria and her parents

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I'm here stuck at on a plane with Bria and her parents. Our seats were right behind one another. Bria was in a exceptionally good mood. From the time we awoke this morning and to the airport she's been all smiles.

We were going to belize. Which isn't an island... bria and her knowledge.

"Delano are you excited about going to belize?" Bria's mom asked.

I nodded "sure I never been".

"It's so beautiful there" Bria chimed in. Seeing her hand go to my thigh and rest there. I felt uncomfortable in the worst way. Shifting my thigh so her hand would fall off. She glanced at me with a questionable look "what? I can't adjust myself?".

Once we reached Bria was hanging on me the entire walk from the gate to the actual car. She's never like this... "I think you can let go now".

She sucked her teeth "I'm trying to be romantic".

"It's hot... and having you on me makes me hotter than I need to be" I said. She fanned me away "whatever".

This trip was already starting on a bad note. If Bria would just act like herself this trip could be bearable. Her mother was watching me close as well. What the hell is going on here?.

Reaching the hotel... I couldn't wait to go up our room and just relax. Bria smiled at her parents and held my hand. In the elevator she began kissing my hand. Just the thought of her trying to start something was making me sick.

In the hotel room.. she pushed me in closing the door. Taking off her stuff and smiling "I couldn't wait to give you the best sex of your life.." she pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me. Straddling me she looked down at me "you missed this haven't you?".

Her hands went down to my pants top. I went
to stop her but she took it the wrong way. "Ooo someone wants to play and make me cum".

Closing my eyes cause that's not want I wanted to do... she took my hand and slid it under her panties. She started rubbing herself against my fingers. This was wrong on so many levels.

But I had to play the part. Closing my eyes I imagined Gia using my fingers. Her beautiful dark skin rubbing against my fingers. Feeling how wet she would be. The moans that she would make as my fingers did circles against her clit.

Thinking about gia was making meaty spring up a little. That couldn't happen. Hearing Bria yell as she orgasms I pushed her off of me. She panted and smiled "that had to be the best orgasm I've ever had".

Rushing to the bathroom to wash my hands. She better thank Gia for that intense orgasm.



"Mommy? You're tired again?" Ryan asked me. Yawning once again "I think so". Napping has been a thing for me lately. In the midst of packing our things up I had to take a break. Ryan at this point was getting annoyed at me. He wanted to go play his games.

"I'm sorry! Look go for what you want and I'll finish up alone" I said.

"So you can never be done? No thanks" Ryan said. Forcing myself to finish up so this can be done and tomorrow we move back in the house.

Haven't heard from Delano. Not that I would. He's on a family vacation. Hopefully he can make things work with Bria. I needed to get back to my life and how I do things.

Yawning again. Maybe a nap would do it? Ryan and I were suppose to watch a movie. Once Ryan felt my head on his shoulder he knew I was going to sleep. He sighed but sat there.

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