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I've had it with bria. What she did back there was the last straw. Roaming around to find Ryan who ran off. I felt so guilty for what happened. No kid should have to witness that.

Checking all the classrooms and I couldn't find him. Walking into the gym I saw him shooting hoops alone. He looked at me once the doors closed.

"Ryan I wanted to say I'm sorry" I said.

He shrugged and continued to play ball.

I sat down at the bleachers and just watched him. He was pretty good at basketball for someone his age. I was impressed.

Moments later he walked over to me and sat next to me "why does that woman hate me and my mom so much? Anytime she's around me she says mean things. I don't even know her".

"Umm... she's a evil person. She likes to put people down in order for her to feel better. You did nothing wrong" I said.

"Oh, why does she hate my mom?" He asked.

Just remembering all the things Bria has told me about Gia. All those stories which I'm not even sure it's true.

"I think because your mom is one hell of a woman that she will never be" I answered.

"My mom is the best" he smiled.

I nodded "she sure is".

"Delano? You think we could leave school early today? After what happened I don't want to stay here for rest of the day" he asked.

We both stood up "come on let's go see your mom".

"You know you would make a good father one day" he said.

When he said that my mind went to Gia and that baby he doesn't know about. "Thanks, Ryan".


Gia opened the door and seemed surprised "what happened? Are you sick? Damn rona going around out there". Ryan shook his head "mom when I say drama... it was drama".

We walked inside with her closing the door "what happened? The luncheon was today".

I nodded "that wasn't the problem. Actually Ryan would you mind leaving us to talk?". He nodded and walked to his room.

"Can you tell me what happened? Now I'm anxious!" Gia said.

"Relax, first off the luncheon was nice. Until Bria should up. Her dad is doing free checkups for low income kids. She saw us and went off. Now I did lie and told Ryan's teacher I was his father. But Bria corrected me. Which made Ryan run off" I said.

Gia was cracking her knuckles "I can't with her. She's always been jealous of me!".

"Well as of earlier today Bria and I are done. After what she did I broke up with her. It was inevitable anyway. I feel free"  I said.

Gia smiled and leaned in and kissed me. Those fireworks went off. Holding her so the kiss could go deeper. "Well congratulations are in order".

She straddled me.

It was tempting but Ryan was close by. Too close.

"Gia? Ryan is in the other room. Let's not do this now. Let's wait until later" I said.

She smiled "I almost forgot. I hope Ryan is okay though".

Pushing her hair back "he's fine. We had a talk earlier about what happened".

She leaned in and kissed me again "thank you... I'm happy Ryan has someone like you in his life".



Pacing back and forth....

Waiting for Delano to come home so we can make up. We fight and we make up. This was no different than the other many times.

I don't see what I did was wrong. Fighting for my man is what any woman would do.

Many hours later I heard the door open. I jumped up and ran to him. He jumped back "why are you still here? I meant what I said. Leave and take your things".

"You don't mean that. You're just upset still" I smiled.

He pushed me away "I'm dead serious. Leave! Or the cops will make you".

Staring at the man who I spent the last four years with. He stared at me like a nuisance. I did everything right as a woman for him. To be betrayed by my enemy and bastard son. Is this what being hurt felt like?. I've never experienced this emotion before.

A tear fell from my eye.

"Delano?, please" I said.

"You have five minutes to get out and get your stuff out as well. By the way those cards I gave you are cancelled. No longer will you be living off of my money" he said.

I dropped to the floor in tears.

"Your time is ticking..." he said.

Slowly getting up I went to grab my things. He stood there just watching me. My mascara began to run down my face. Looking like a clown.

"Hurry up" he said.

Sniffling and wiping my tears. I took the box of my things and was about to walk out the door. But I turned to Delano who was pointing outside.

"I actually loved you" I said.

He shook his head "you loved the money I gave you".

With that he slammed the door in my face and locked it. Feeling alone and scared. It was cold out here. I had no way of getting a cab. All I could do is walk.

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