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Delano has me fucked up!.

"Mom!" I screamed. She came running down the stairs "what's wrong?!". Plopping down on the couch with my head down. I felt a little defeated.

"Honey?! What happened?" She asked.

Lifting my head up I had tears falling down my cheek "I don't think I can do this anymore!".

My mom look confused "Bria, what the hell are you mumbling?".

"Mom! Delano and I... it's not going to work. We haven't had sec in a long time. I finally decided to spice up our sex life by giving him the most amazing head he's ever had. But instead he said another females name as he orgasmed!".

My mom wide eyed me "oh my god! Look you can't give up that easy. Remember Delano is your money train! You can't just give up because he said someone else's name. Compete Bria!".

Blinking at my mom a few times "what if he's cheating this whole time?".

"Then we kill him! I know someone like dels I had life insurance" she said.

"We are not killing Delano. The life insurance would be a bust because I'm not the beneficiary. Also I'm too pretty to go to jail!" I said. This woman must be crazy!.

She clapped her hands together "I got it! Joanne once hired a private investigator to spy on her husband. The man did phenomenal work! We could hire him to spy on Delano and then your questions will be answered".

"And what if the answers isn't what I want to hear or see? Then what?!" I asked.

"Bria look at me! I've taught you that you are strong, very beautiful, and don't let anyone scare you. If anything you intimidate the hell out of whomever! Let's see what Delano has to hide" my mom said.

Truthfully I wasn't ready to even find that out.



Since that accident with Bria I've been keeping busy at work.

She's been giving me the silent treatment as well. As for Gia... she's been distant too. I've tried calling her and the conversation doesn't go anywhere.

Even tried making a date for us to hang out and she declines every time. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. But nothing a bouquet of flowers can't solve. Standing at her doorstep... Ryan answered the door "hi Delano".

He walked away as if he was sad. Kids.

Walking in Gia met me in the living room "I got these for you!".

She smiled "thanks".

Taking the flowers from me she walked into her kitchen and put them them into her sink. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked. She didn't look at me "nope".

"Then is there a weird tension between us?" I asked.

She started cutting the stems "look... things are just different. Before this whole baby thing I didn't mind sleeping with you. But now the game changes. If you are choosing to stay with Bria then do that. But don't come here with flowers looking sorry. I don't want to get hurt here. Neither does Ryan".

Turning her around to face me "I want to be with you! But give me time. That's all I ask. Before you know it we will be a family. My intention isn't to hurt you nor ryan".

Gia traced her finger around my chest "how much time? Remember we have less than nine months".

"I know..." I said.



These people and their secrets. It's what keeps me paid.

Watching the target leave an apartment complex. Seeing a woman at the window just watching him. It's bad enough he's cheating...but from the looks of it she looks pregnant. I could be wrong.

Knowing Bria's temper... this won't end well.

But again I have a job to do. Sending Bria my evidence in a text. That's when my cash app alerted I got paid.

*** I know I been MIA but laziness will do that. But I have a idea for this story so hopefully I can keep updating too. Holding no promises!

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