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You wake up a few hours later from your cat nap.

Stretching your arms up, you let out a soft sigh before quickly hopping out of your bed to get ready to explore what Las Vegas has in store for you.

You get dressed into a pair of shorts and a regular t-shirt before quickly making your way out of your hotel room, locking the door behind you.

As you leave the hotel, you see the many tourists exploring the casino floor, hopping from slot machine to slot machine in an attempt to win the grand prize.

You glance around yourself, tempted to take a picture on a slot machine.

Nah, I'm sure there's more here than just this.

You quickly make your way out of the casino and are met with a crowded sidewalk.

If you didn't know better, you'd compare the amount of people here to the amount of people walking the streets in New York. However, you know that New York has far more people than this. At least here, there's some shoulder room as you walk in the crowd.

Looking around, you admire the signs on the different places.

You're suddenly distracted once someone taps on your shoulder.

You look over to your side and see one of the street entertainers next to you.

There's two showgirls smiling at you.

You immediately scan their outfits before your jaw drops.

They're walking around with huge feathers on their backs attached to their bras. Their bras are covered in sparkles and they're wearing only underwear, legs on full display along with a little bit of their bottoms.

I wish I had the love for my body that these girls do.

You smile at them.

"Hi! Is this your first time in Vegas?" you nod your head at their question. "Would you like to take a picture with me in front of the fountains?" she questions while gesturing to the large body of water behind them.

The body of water has some spots shooting out water to the beat of some music playing in the background.

You immediately nod your head.

"Hell yeah!" you say before immediately reaching into your pocket to grab some money. "How much will the photo be?" You question.

"However much you want to give." She says while smiling.

"How's $50? It's hot out and I bet this can get hard." She stares at you for a few seconds, in shock that you're offering that much.

"$50? Are you sure?" she questions. You nod.

"I work in customer service and it's a pain in the ass." You say before gesturing to the other people near you who are impatiently rushing you to take the picture with them so they can have their turn. "I can't even imagine how much harder it is doing this because you have to deal with the heat as well."

She smiles widely at you before nodding her head.

"Yeah, but whatever it takes to pay the bills right?" you nod your head in response to her question. You hand her the cash as she reluctantly takes it. "Okay, what angle and pose would you like?" she asks, ready to cater to you.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now