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You let out a soft sigh as you sit at the fancy restaurant by yourself for lunch.

This was a restaurant that a lot of your coworkers had told you was a necessary stop while in this city.

Your next flight with the boys is tonight and you're anxious to see what's going to happen because of what Hoseok told you the other day.

You two can't be around each other too often now. To keep the relationship going, you two have maintained contact through text messages and FaceTimes here and there. However, you're starting to realize just how spoiled you were with his company before.

"Here's your food, ma'am. Please let me know if you need anything else." You look up and see the waiter placing the plate directly in front of you. You give a quick smile and nod.

I could use my boyfriend... but I don't think you can do much about that.

You reach for your fork and knife and begin cutting into the large filet mignon. Reaching for the au jus and the additional toppings provided with the meal, you lick your lips as you see the steam rising from the piece of meat.

Once you dip your piece into the au jus and take a bite of the food.

Man... I wish Hoseok was here to experience this. This is the best filet mignon I've had in my life.

Once you swallow the food, you begin to cut more pieces of the meat into chewable portions.

Your phone goes off while you're eating, causing you to eagerly reach for the device, assuming it's Hoseok. However, when you read the name on the phone call, you see that it's Jisoo.

Sighing, you shake your head before placing the phone back into your pocket after turning the volume down.

You can't always be the one I go to when I'm lonely, Jisoo.

You continue eating your meal for the next few minutes before deciding to order a dessert to-go.

"Excuse me?" you look up at the waiter.


"Can I have a piece of the apple pie to go please? And can I have the check as well?"

"Of course. I'll go put in your dessert order then get the check." The waiter smiles down at you before walking away. You let out a soft sigh before feeling the familiar lonely feeling in your mind.

You can feel an unavoidable void of loneliness. A black pit of darkness inside of you that makes your mind question whether or not you're worthy of having company around you.

After all, you don't have any parents, you don't have siblings, you have one friend who is also a flight attendant so your schedules never match. And now, you have a boyfriend who you can't physically be around.

I don't deserve to be around anyone.

I'm never going to be someone who can be surrounded by people. Either people get tired of me or life decides to rip everyone out of my life to leave me alone in the dark.

"Here's your dessert and check. Have a great rest of your day."

"Thank you." You say before taking out the cash you keep in your purse to pay for meals and tours while on the job. Placing the amount along with a generous tip into the wallet, you stand up from your seat and put your wallet back into your purse.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now