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You're now sitting on your hotel room bed, sitting down as you binge watch some shows on Netflix.

Sighing, you lean back in the bed and reach over, grabbing a handful of chips before stuffing your face with them.

You hear your phone go off and immediately widen your eyes as you look over at it.

Is Hoseok calling me?

"Hello?" you answer without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hey Y/N." you hear Jisoo on the other end of the line.

Your shoulders physically drop in disappointment as you hear her voice. You had assumed it was Hoseok calling you which made you excited for a few seconds.

"Hey!" you say, pretending to be excited.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" Jisoo suddenly questions. "You sound eager to tell me something." She says sarcastically. You let out a soft laugh before shaking your head.

"Sorry, I thought it was someone else calling."

"Hun, it's called caller ID, you might want to check that next time." She says before laughing. "Who were you expecting?"

Biting onto your lower lip, you smile softly.

"Um... Hoseok?" you say hesitantly.

"Shut the fuck up." She immediately says. You hear some shuffling on her end of the phone call. "He has your number???"

You nod to yourself.

"He asked me for it yesterday." You respond. "I was doing my snack run and he asked so I gave it to him."

"Y/N!" She exclaims. "I knew that he liked you, I fucking knew it!" You let out a soft laugh and cover your face.

"I know, I know, I should've believed you when you told me he liked me." You say before shrugging your shoulders. "But a lot of things have happened since I last talked to you."

"Spill." She says. You can hear her smile on the other side of the line.

"So, I ended up giving the members one of the souvenirs you made me buy at Disneyland and they were so thankful for it." You say before pausing. "Which, thank you for making me get some souvenirs that day because we both know I almost didn't get any."

"Oh, you know I would've nagged at you for not getting a souvenir that day." You let out a soft laugh at her words. "Which souvenir did you end up giving them?"

"The snow globe."

"Ah, yeah, that was a cute snow globe." You let out a soft laugh at her words before nodding your head.

"Well, the members seem to think the same thing because to thank me for everything I've done for them, they got me two tickets to their concert at this stop."


"Two tickets. The concert's in 2 days." You say. "Would you be able to fly out to go with me?"

The line goes quiet before you hear her cuss on the other end of the line.

"I'm in Asia and wouldn't make it in time!" she says. You move your phone away from your ear a little bit as you flinch at the volume of her voice.

"I know, it sucks." You respond before biting onto your lower lip.

"Well, you have Hobi's number. You could always use your charm on him and get him to get you tickets for a different concert some other time." She jokes. "Just kidding, but you should go!"

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now