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You bite onto your lower lip as you stare over at the gate.

You're already back in the US and you're waiting for the guys to show up at the gate. Dressed in your typical uniform, you take a deep breath, feeling the butterflies forming in your stomach as you think about how you get to see Hoseok again.

"Y/N?" you hear a voice before turning to see a girl standing behind you.

She has short, black hair, a thin figure, and a round face. She smiles over at you before giving you a wave. You look at her outfit and see that she's also wearing a flight attendant uniform.

"Um... how do you know my name?" you question.

"Oh! Sorry, didn't mean to come off as creepy or anything." She states before letting out a soft laugh. "I'm Aera, the flight attendant accompanying you on the tour. I look forward to rooming with you and helping you on the flights." She gives you a friendly smile. You smile back softly before nodding your head.

"I look forward to working with you too." You say while smiling softly. "Do you know when they're arriving at the airport?" you question.

She opens her mouth to speak before looking up and seeing a group of people freaking out. She widens her eyes for a second before gesturing towards them.

"Based on that? I'd say right about now." She responds.

You see a large group of security surrounding seven people and you feel your heart speeding up immediately. Inhaling a deep breath, you try to calm down the quick-paced beating of your heart as you prepare yourself to act normal.

Can't act excited. Can't be affectionate. Can't risk another sasaeng situation.

You hold your breath as you watch the security shooing the people away from the boys.

As security is able to move people and give the boys their personal space, you slowly get a better view of each member one by one.

The first member you immediately see is Namjoon.

He's dressed in a long, brown coat and some jeans. His hair is now a soft red color. There are sunglasses covering his eyes as he walks towards the gate.

The next member you see is Jin.

He's wearing a furry jacket with some sweatpants and a face mask covering his mouth and nose. He politely bows at fans as they walk past them. He still has his signature black hair covering his forehead.

The next member you see is Yoongi.

He now has orange hair and has grown it out a little. His forehead is exposed and he's also wearing a face mask over his mouth and nose. He's dressed in a white hoodie, a pair of black jeans, and sneakers.

The next two you see walking together are Jimin and Jungkook.

Jungkook is dressed in black cargo pants, a black hoodie, and a cap covering his head. The hat is covering his hair but you can see the black ends of it on the sides of his face.

Jimin is wearing tight, black jeans and a long sleeve white t-shirt as he walks through the airport. He's holding onto his jacket as he walks towards the gate.

Last but not least... Hoseok and Taehyung.

Taehyung is wearing a long, black coat and blue jeans. He has his black hair in curls as he laughs while Hoseok messes with him.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now