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"Okay, I have a good question," you say while glancing up at the ceiling to think for a second. Hoseok merely stares at you with a wide smile on his face, admiring the way you have to look up to get an idea of what you want to say. "What is your go-to cheat meal?"

"Cheat meal? As in when I can't eat healthy?" Hoseok asks. You nod. "Y/N, you do realize veggies come with most Korean meals, right?"

"I meant when Jin isn't cooking and you guys are able to order fast food." You say.

"I have a weak spot for hamburgers." He says while shrugging his shoulders. You let out a soft laugh. "What is your guilty pleasure show?"

You bite onto your lower lip as you contemplate whether or not you should say it due to him thinking you're lame.

"Hm... you're going to laugh." You say before reaching for your pillow and covering your face. He lets out a soft laugh. His screen lags a bit before you see him now laying down, holding a pillow as he stares at the screen.

"I won't laugh! I watch my fair share of K-dramas." He says while teasing. You shake your head immediately and move the pillow away from your face as you stare down at your screen.

"It's not a K-drama!" you say, secretly lying. You press your lips together which causes Hoseok to merely raise an eyebrow as he stares at you through the screen.

He sees right through your lie.

"I can tell that you're lying, Y/N." he teases. Your face heats up as you shake your head immediately. "If you watch K-dramas too, you might as well tell me now so we can make plans for a K-drama date one day." He continues to push the subject.

"Ugh, fine!" you say while shaking your head quickly. "I watch K-dramas."

"Most people do, you know that, right?" he questions. "They may be cheesy sometimes but they're popular for a reason." You shrug before nodding your head.

"That's true. Most places around the world have their own version of K-dramas or soap operas." He nods.

"And imitation is the best form of flattery." He says while looking down at his fingertips for a second, picking at a loose hangnail before turning his attention back to you.

"Okay, I have another question," you say while adjusting on your bed. "When the hell are you going to work with Tinashe?" you question.

He raises his eyebrows in shock, mouth parting as he looks around, shocked that you had the courage to ask him about his collaborations.

"Why do you ask?"

"I love her music." you say.

"You do realize she's my celebrity crush right now, right?" he questions before furrowing his eyebrows and narrowing his eyes. "You sure you wouldn't get jealous of something like that?" he questions.

"Oh, please, have you seen me?" you question while gesturing towards yourself.

This causes Hoseok to smile widely.

"Not the jealous type, huh?" You shake your head.

"That wouldn't be fair for me to be the jealous type. I work in a job where I meet people from all around the world and get hit on pretty often." You say. "For me to get jealous just because you're J-Hope from BTS would be a little hypocritical, don't you think?"

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now