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"So, I'm basically going to be stuck with another person who probably won't do anything on the flight other than just supervising me?" you question, holding your phone to your ear as you walk towards the entrance of your apartment building.

You hear Hoseok sigh on the other side of the line.

"Pretty much."

"And I can't even leave my hotel room and explore the places we're going to?" you say, shoulders slumped over in disappointment as you sit on your couch, legs crossed.

You can near him growing quiet for a second before his voice begins speaking again.

"Unfortunately, yeah." He states. "But don't worry, going to these places and not getting to go around too much isn't too bad. We do it all the time." He tells you in an attempt to comfort you.

"That's true. If you guys can do it, I should be able to as well." You respond before shrugging your shoulders as you begin adding more reasons as to why this isn't a big deal to you. "Plus, I've been to most of these cities anyway. Being a flight attendant, I've been on hundreds of flights at this point so I don't think there's anything I'd be missing out on."

"That's the spirit!" Hoseok responds. "I promise, we'll make it worth your while."

"But if I can't see you in person or even get to kiss you, how are we going to do this?" you question. "Won't it be as if we're still in two different countries?"

Hoseok begins laughing on the other side of the phone line.

"Y/N, you really are naïve, aren't you?" he questions. "I'm a little disappointed. You know the guys and I well enough by now. You really don't think we've already started scheming ways to figure out how to see you?" you smile softly as you hear him say this.

"You're adorable," you say before your tone immediately changes to a concerned one. Your body also tenses up as you say this next sentence. "Just don't do anything stupid that will make me have to take a long break again, please."

"Don't worry, baby. We got this." He responds. "After all, Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi are the ones coming up with the plan. The maknae line has nothing to do with these plans."

This thought alone relieves your need for concern. You let out a sigh of relief as your body physically relaxes once more.

"Oh thank goodness." You breathe out into the phone. This causes Hoseok to let out a loud laugh on the other side of the line. "What? Why are you laughing?" you question.

"I see you do know us after all." He responds.

"Well those three are a little too... um...." You can't find the right word to say, afraid of offending Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. You bite onto your lower lip as you think carefully.

"Chaotic?" Hoseok finishes your question. "We know, trust me." he laughs.

"Yes! That's the word I was looking for." You respond. You glance over at the clock and see that it's now nighttime where you are. "Did you need to get going, by the way? I know it's pretty early in the morning where you are." You state.

"Yeah, I have to start getting ready soon." He responds. "Before I hang up though, your flight to meet us here is in two days. I'm not sure what time or any of that information though. Namjoon was told by our manager that you need to make sure you talk to your boss in the morning, so don't forget to do that, okay baby?" you nod your head when he says this.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now