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"I still don't know how you manage to move your hips like that." You say while looking over at Hoseok.

Your hair is currently stuck to your forehead from the sweat from the sex you two just had.

To say the least, Hoseok's hip movements are even more fluid when he's on the ground instead of on a plane. To your surprise, he managed to make you cum twice before he even came once just from his hip movements.

"Baby, I've been dancing since I was little... you learn things about your body movements when you study dancing for that long." He says while laughing.

You let out a soft laugh before rolling onto your side to face him. As you do this, he looks over at you before wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. He adjusts the blanket that's covering your naked bodies to cover more of your upper body when he notices you shivering a little. You shift your body closer to his and rest your head on the pillow directly beneath his head as he rests his chin on the top of your head.

"So..." you say before glancing at the clock. "It's only 1AM. Would you be able to stay the night here?" you ask while gesturing to the rest of the room. He takes a deep breath before shrugging his shoulders.

"If Namjoon says we don't have to be anywhere in the morning." He says before pointing towards his phone that's laying on the bedside table. "Can you hand me my phone so I can check?" you nod and then slowly lift your upper body from the bed. You sit up straight and turn to the other side, grabbing his phone before handing it to him and immediately resting your head and upper body where they were before you got up.

You close your eyes for a second and allow yourself to snuggle into Hoseok's fit body as he wraps his free hand around your waist again.

"Hey Hoseok!" you hear, which causes your eyes to dart open as you look up and see Hoseok holding his phone above the two of you. "Hey Y/N." You see Namjoon smiling down at the two of you from his screen.

You give a small wave and an awkward smile.

"Hey Namjoon. Y/N and I were wondering if I'd be able to stay the night tonight at Y/N's hotel." Hoseok states.

While Namjoon is shuffling on the other end, most likely trying to figure out what the boys' schedule is like in a few hours, Hoseok's hand lowers on your body. His hand is now trailing from your waist to your butt as he stares up at the camera as if he isn't doing anything with his hand. You look away from the screen to tilt your head back and look up at him. He looks down at you and gives you a quick wink before taking a handful of your ass in his hand, squeezing it.

You widen your eyes and look back up at Namjoon on his screen.

"It doesn't look like we have anything planned until 10AM. You probably could stay there but you need to be very careful when you leave that hotel." Namjoon says.

Hoseok nods his head, still squeezing your ass.

"Okay. Where do we have to be at 10AM?" he asks.

You stare up at the screen, trying to see if Namjoon notices what Hoseok is doing.

It doesn't seem like he does.

"Let me see." Namjoon says.

Hoseok nods before he quickly puts himself on mute.

"Why'd you p-"' you're ready to ask before you feel a stinging pain on your ass. To add to this, a slap sound echoes throughout the hotel room. You gasp once he slaps your ass before looking up at him, narrowing your eyes at him.

Airplane Pt. 3 - jhsWhere stories live. Discover now