Style ~ Wroetojzl

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I give you Harry in a dress.

Harry was known for pulling off a variety of different styles, although he often stayed within his comfort zone of a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms.

So, when on the rare occasion that Harry was feeling particularly good about himself, he'd allow for his boyfriend to style him; they'd often even make a day out of it.

Tobi, just as Harry was known for pulling off a variety of both styles and colours, was known as the most stylish of the Sidemen. A good match, really.

(Sometimes, too good of a match. It should be illegal for a couple to both look so good all the time.)

Today was one of Harry's confident days. Well, not confident per se, but he was feeling rather comfortable in his own skin, and he was bored. So he'd decided to ask Tobi if he wanted to come over and play dress up.

Of course, Tobi said yes, and was at Harry's within half an hour, a couple bags of clothing in his hands.

Outfit number one was a navy blue bomber jacket, a white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans that were more on the skinnier side.

Harry stood, staring at himself in the mirror with a look of surprise on his face.

"I look good." He announced, meeting Tobi's eyes in the mirror and matching his boyfriends smile.

"Of course you do, I dressed you."

Harry giggled at that, turning around and heading back over to his bed where Tobi was sat, leaning back on his hands in a relaxed way.

"Okay, next outfit."

Outfit number two was a pale green sweater, paired with an off-white pair of looser trousers. The trousers came with a black belt, which Harry decided to give a try, casually strolling over to the mirror as he tucked in the front of his sweatshirt.

He hummed gently, turning this way and that to see himself at different angles.

"You know, it's not bad. I wouldn't say it's really me, but it's not bad at all."

Tobi nodded, still smiling as he simply agreed with Harry. He really liked the time they shared together like this, he loved watching Harry grow and the much more relaxed way he held himself was a joy to watch.

"Next outfit." Tobi said, leaning up for a kiss (which he got) as Harry returned to the bed.

Outfit number three was a light, orange hoodie, with black tracksuit bottoms.

"I thought I'd throw in a hoodie and bottoms outfit for you." Tobi said, practically lighting up when Harry aimed a grateful smile his way.

"It's nice, I like it. I'm keeping it."

"Go ahead."

As Harry wandered back over to his bed, Tobi held out a hand for his younger boyfriend, pulling him closer until he was stood between his legs, peering down at him.

"Right, this last one is a little bit different, okay?"

Harry nodded, confused.

Outfit number four, the final outfit, was a flowy, thigh-length, lilac dress.

Harry approached his mirror, face pink, his hands picking at the hem of the dress.

"It's cute." He told Tobi.

"You're cute." Tobi retaliated.

Harry giggled shyly, perhaps a little awkwardly.

As he did with the green sweater outfit, he turned in several directions, trying to figure out how much he liked it.

"... I think, I think I want to keep this one too."

With that, Tobi stood up, then strolled over to his boyfriend. He stopped directly behind him, leaning up to rest his head on Harry's shoulder, so he could meet his eyes in the mirror. He wrapped his arms around his waist as he did so.

"Whatever you want." He said, before kissing Harry on the cheek, making Harry smile bashfully.

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