Bad Idea ~ Wroetojzl

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-Mentions of injuries (such as bones through skin) but nothing explicit.

"Tobi!" Harry called, drawing his boyfriend's attention and grinning brightly when they made eye contact.

"Babe," Tobi sighed, the exasperation in his voice hidden to no one but Harry. "Come down."

Harry shook his head cheekily, sticking his tongue out before turning around. He continued climbing - up the second ladder - as those on the ground watched on, unsurprised.

"That's your fucking boyfriend." Ethan teased, his voice laced with humour.

"Yes, I know that, thank you." Tobi commented dryly, stepping forward and tilting his head back to match the height at which Harry now stood.

"Harry!" He shouted, voice hitching when he saw Harry's arm wobble. That boy better not let go - Tobi might just have a heart attack, if he did.

Harry paused at the second landing, gripping onto the next ladder with only one hand as he tilted his body to look down at the ground. Shit, why'd he do that?

"Tobi, it's too high! I don't like it."

Tobi sighed, a fond, worried sigh perfected over time. Being Harry Lewis' partner definitely helped in doing so.

"Come down then, love."

Harry nodded, slowly dragging his right foot backwards, dangling it off the edge of the landing as he attempted to step back onto the other ladder. After several tries, he gave up and pulled his foot back to himself.

"I can't!" He called, voice shaky.

Tobi heard Ethan snicker, ignoring him in favour of focusing on his currently-distressed boyfriend.

"It's okay, Harry. Take your time, you can do it."

Tobi saw Harry shake his head aggressively, but he couldn't see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"No! No, I can't do it." The first tear fell as Harry pressed himself against that third ladder, gripping tighter until his palms began to hurt. The metal dug into his ribs uncomfortably. "Tobi, help me."

When Tobi didn't reply, Harry shut his eyes, squeezing them closed tightly and leaning his forehead against the cool metal. "Please, Tobi." He whispered, too quiet for Tobi to hear. If he had, it would have broken his heart.

Ethan let out a full blown laugh, turning the other way and muttering to himself. "Serves him right."

Tobi took another step forward, inhaling and exhaling deeply in order to calm himself.

"Harry, you need to stay calm, love."

"Can't," Harry gasped out, too quiet for Tobi to be able to hear. "I can't. Don't know how."

This is what he got for climbing the shoddy security ladders of some faultily-built block of flats in the middle of nowhere.

Spotting the yellow-painted stone of a window ledge barely a foot from him, Harry bravely let go of the rough, cold metal of the ladder. He took a step to the right before reaching out and gripping his hands around the coarse ledge. The stone was harsh beneath his fingertips, grazing his palms sharply.

"Harry," Tobi called up in warning, "Harry, stop. Let go of the ledge, please. Hold onto the ladder, babe."

Afraid, Harry's arms shook as he inched himself sideways, towards the edge of the landing he was stood on.

First one foot fell off, followed by the other, leaving Harry dangling for a brief moment. A brief moment which he spent clutching at the faded yellow ledge with everything he had. As the moment neared its end, so did Harry's grasp on the ledge.

Tobi watched, horrified, as the man he loved fell from a height of at least 30 feet. Forty, by the looks of things.

Tobi jumped, eyes forced closed firmly as a horrid snapping sound reach his ears, accompanied by a very pained yell - Harry's, very pained yell.

For what felt like forever (but in reality was only a few seconds), Tobi didn't move, breath caught in his froze as he tried to fight back the terrible thoughts.

At Harry's hurt groan, however, he jolted back to reality, eyes open as he rushed forward to meet his boyfriend, dropping to his knees as soon as he reached his side.

"Tobi, Tobi it hurts."

Scared, Tobi clutched at Harry's right hand with both of his own, unsure whether to kiss his hand or forehead in comfort. He decided on his forehead, bending forward to leave a peck against Harry forehead.

"Where does it hurt, darling?"

Harry let out a fearful whimper at Tobi's use of the word darling. Usually, Tobi called him either babe or love; he only really called him darling when he was especially scared, hurt or worried. (Which, if Tobi was honest, he was feeling all three at the moment.)

"M-my ankle. My knee, too." Harry paused. "Shit, I think I feel bone."

Tobi held in a gasp of hysteria, a tear or two falling from his eyes as he gazed down at Harry.

It was then that Ethan jogged over, looking considerably less amused than he had a few minutes ago.

"There's an ambulance on its way." He rushed out, panting slightly. "It'll be a good forty-five minutes though, since we're in the middle of fucking nowhere." He tried to joke, tone awkward.

Tobi turned back to Harry at that, trying to stay outwardly calm in front of him. "Can you hang in until then, love?"

Harry nodded minutely. "I-I think so."

"Good, good."  Tobi muttered, 'successfully' hiding his nervousness.

Harry giggled, warm and unrestrained. "You're nervous." He pointed out, as if it was the funniest thing in the world right now.

"Darling, of course I'm nervous." Tobi whispered, mouth soft against their joined hands.

"I'm not nervous." Harry grinned. "Its rather fun, the feeling of bone-pierced skin."

"That's not funny, Harry." Tobi said, but his words were unconvincing when accompanied by a sad, uncontrolled chuckle.

Harry pouted. "I thought it was funny."

Tobi sighed as Harry reached up to wipe a tear off of the older man's cheek.

"You're also in a lot of pain, darling."

Harry blew a kiss at Tobi before grinning widely, ignoring the still-falling tears on his own face.

"'S okay, darling. 'M a tough one, me."

Tobi shook his head, laughing.

"You're really not."

"Well fuck you, then. Fucking meanie."

"Shush, love. The ambulance should be here soon."

Harry stared up at his boyfriend with wet, love-filled eyes. "Liar."

Tobi had the decency to smile guiltily.

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"'S fine. 'S sweet, actually."


Ethan cheered when the sound of a siren reached their ears, catching flashing blue lights in the corners of their eyes.

"Fucking finally. Took 'em long enough."

"Shut the fuck up, Ethan." Harry groaned, sounding fed up. "You're not the one floor-bound with bones in places bones shouldn't be."

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