And More ~ Wroetostar

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Some Wroetostar for h3arts4mayfield.

Every so often, Vik halts his life to ponder whether he's too obvious about it all. He feels like he is; his general conclusion is that anyone who has spoken to him on at least three separate occasions will have cottoned on by now. The thought often leaves him somewhat saddened... up until Harry smiles slyly over at him, his tongue peeking out from between his teeth.

(As if that isn't the problem in the first place.)

It's Josh who never mentions it, always looking at Vik with a certain twinkle in his eyes every time either of them mention Harry. Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on your viewpoint - Tobi takes it upon himself to act as the polar opposite in this instance. Vik just about dies on the inside when Tobi eventually broaches the subject for the first time, tenderly calling him out on his infatuation for the youngest member of the Sidemen. (It doesn't get any less embarrassing the more it happens, and by now it feels like Tobi is pulling him to the side every other day.)

And oh, infatuation is an understatement if Vik has ever heard one. He fears he's obsessive with his love, discouraged and further stressed by Tobi's well-meaning banter, 'In the healthiest way possible, at least.'

It's just - why wouldn't Vik talk about Harry to anyone with capable hearing? The man is wondrous, so quizzically imperfect that there is a beckoning aura about him that just makes people want to be close to him. For as long as he will let them be, if he will even let them get close in the first place.

Even with just that, Vik considers himself one of the lucky ones, as a member of Harry's inner circle, and Harry a member of his own circle, also.

"Yeah, Harry said something similar the other day and-" Vik is savagely interrupted by JJ making a snide remark, Ethan's resulting cackle a bolstering means of appreciation. Vik can't help rolling his eyes, knowing that JJ is just bitter about earlier and Ethan is still teetering on the edge of a foul mood. Of course, he's bound to take amusement in other people's misery in order to keep himself entertained. It's not out of character for either of them to take the piss out of Vik's feelings for Harry.

(JJ laughs, delighted, and Vik once again mourns the fact that Harry had a sudden commitment to deal with, meaning he unfortunately had to leave the call early, leaving the shoot to just Vik, Ethan and JJ. Just wonderful; Vik is having the absolute time of his life. Not.)

Irritated, Vik shoots back with, "Just because you got a yellow card - the one you rightfully deserved, mind you - doesn't mean you can start having a tantrum."

The sound of JJ's scoff reverberates through Vik's headphones, the noise so grating Vik has to stay mindful not to grit his teeth or let his lip pull into a rare sneer.

(Where is Harry when you need him with you to relieve the crushing tension in the air? Vik needs him to be here to make them all laugh and distract the other two from trying to take their misguided frustration out on Vik.)

Even though Ethan eventually clocks on and announces that they're going to have a brief ten minute break from filming, Vik can't bring himself to feel as much as a shred of gratitude towards him.

Rolling his eyes, huffing as he ends the call knowing they'll start up another one after this break, Vik pushes his chair away from his desk. There is a scowl on his face, of course there is, after dealing with both JJ and Ethan. As much as he loves them, the two can be such dickheads at times. Especially when things don't go their own way.

The sound of his phone pinging with a message prevents him from delving any deeper into his questionable, dark thoughts. When Vik reaches to grab it from off his desk, he is gratified by the realisation that it is a text from Harry.

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